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The Register is called down for making r...

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The Register is called down for making reckless editorial statements. The overdraftsin the city treasuiy will not be $20,000 by February lst. There wil] be no overdraftat all on February lst, but a balance in the treasury, and the expenditures will not exceed the aggregate taxes. So that there is no need of any bonded indebtedness such as the Register seems to desire. It is true that there is an overdraft at present in the city treasury, There has been for years and years, at this season. But the city receives more interest f rom the bank than it pays. It will cornmence the next fiscal year more than even with the world. Ko provisión of the charter Is being violated. "We hope these eorrections amply cover the Kegister's misinformation. The Courier does the council an injustice this week when it says "the common council of the city of Aun Arbor refused to receive, even anc liave read a petition to which was at tached the names of 129 business men and citizens" The editor of the Courie was late to the council meeting or he would have known thut the petition was first read by the clerk, each one of the 129 names being read, rather an umisual proceeding. After the council had refused to pay for printing it, through some blunder a motiön to re■Ceive it and place it on file was defeated, and afterwards a motion to receive it and refer it to the sewerage committee made by Aid. ü'Hearn was carried. As a matter of fact the petition was received whèn it was read to the council. It was unfortunate that there was any discussion over it, but that furnishes no reason for doing the the council an injustice.