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And Now For 1892

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The next elections of national irn portance come in November, 1892 Since the republican success in 1888, a reaction has set in in favor of the sound principies of democracy. The elections of last Tuesday provecí tha that reaction has not spent its force. The story of the elections as tokl on our first page may well cause the de mocracy to rejoice. In most cases the vote was a heavy one, in several states even exceeding a presidential year The republicans were conüdent. They fought hard. They had all their grea speakers on the stump. And y et they were ignominiously beaten. Were the states to vote as they voted last Tuesday at the next presidential election the democracy would be overwhelmingly triumphant. But the democracy can draw a lesson from Tuesday's election. The supreme issue in 1892 must be the tariff question. There must be no going astray after false gods on the money question. With a free silver platform, the states which on Tuesday voted with the democrats cannot be relied upon to go democratie, and the result in Ohio indicates clearly that free silver cannot carry that state. In fact, Governor Campbell gives as one of the main reasons of his defeat, the insertion of that plank in the democratie platform. In Massachusetts and New York the democracy swept the states on anti-silver platforms. On the silver question there is an honest difference of opinión among good democrats as among republicans. on the tariff question we can show a solid front, while on this question the republicans are disintegrating. The tariff question is at the front to be settled. Let us settle that once for all in 1892. That is the great lesson of the elections of 1891.