Real Estate Transfers
Samuel Seney to Sarah Jaue Seney, Lima $ EOÍ Jacob Hoffstetter to M. A. Burkhardt, Ann Arbor ] J. T. Jacobs tqflf1. N. Colé, Ann Arbor 3,300 Chas. McCorinllk, to Catberine Parsons, Ann Arbor 2,000 C. M. Gott, by Chas. F. Dose, Ann Arbor l M. A. Lukens to Helen Taylor. Ann Arbor 3,800 E. VV. Morgan, by sheriff, to Geo. Lam, Ann Arbor 3,900 Horace Booth to P. Kiehardson, Sclo 25 Elizabeth Booth to F. Kichardson, Scio. . 1,500 Booth & Kichardson to Jas. W. Wing, Scio lí6 Thoe. Kichardson to Isaac Shipley, Scio. 360 Thoe. Kichurdson to Elizabeth Booth, Scio i 500 Thos. Kichardson to Elizabeth Booth, .Scio 508 Eugene Emerick to Chas. Hesfler, Saline 800 John Koch to Albert Mann, Ann Arbor. 3,200 McLaughlin & Corliss to J. K. Trojanowskí, Ann Arbor. 100 Philip Bach tojas. Clements, Ann Arbor 100 Chas. Fullerto H. A. Butler, Aupusta... 50 J. D. Corey to F. D. Merrithew, Sharon 600 W. Blauck to W. A. Blanck, Saletn and Superior 6,000 A. H. Pattengill to M. Seabolt, Ann Arbor 1,400 G. W. Hay toV.J. & L.Bill, Ann Arbor town 10 Erastus Holmes to Samuel Robison, Saline 600 Wm. Kobison to Sam'l Robison, Saline.. 2,000 Mary ISewcomb to Fred Kobison, Saline. 1.50C C. Hmiser, et al, to C. F. Unierkercber, Ann Arbor 2,200 Kichaid Cal lis to J K. Verselius, York.. 500 E K. FrueaulT to M. & H. Goodale, Ann Arbor - 2,800 Amos Spokes to G. Gardner, Ann Arbor 450 Orrin vardell to K. J. Serviss. Ypsilanti town 4,524 J. C. Goodrich to Fred Gott, 40 tí. Dimick to B. Welton.Ypsilanti 1,000 B. Nichols. by heirs, toj. Curry. Superior S10 Chas. Henry toE. Davenport, Yoik 3,500 Kate B. Joslyn to N. Krauser, Ypsilanti. 1(10 Andrew Bnitle to Julius Bartle, Sylvan. 500 Einily Everett to Maria Moore, Salem... 1 J. W. H. & M.Glenn to W.K. & W. Jones, Ypsilanti l Upson & Gridley to A. A. Kent, Ann Albor 900 Julia A. Stnith to Mary L. Keeve, Ann Arbor 350 Jacob Emerick to C. M. Emerick, Ypsilanti town 2,500 Lenora Kelly to Elizabeth L. Kendall, Ann Arl'Oi 1 G. D, Packnrd to Wm Craft, Salem 200 Mary C. Spenoer to Phebe A. Spencer, ïpsuanti town loo Ed A. Gott to Chas. Bod lat, Aim Ai bor.. 35 Kosa Wunder to F. fítaffün. Chelsea 20Ü Geo. C. ruller to Stephen Pratt, Ann Arbor 2,500 Geo. C. Fuller to H. al, Ann Arbor 2,500 E. D. ladinas to F. L. Iddings, Manchester 2,000 Susan Kice to Win. B„ Clark, Ypsilanti town 600 Susan Eice to Susie Rice. Ypsilanti town T00 W. B. Clark to Susan Eiec, Ypsilanti town 700 Heinricka Eberspecker to Henry Eberspecker, Ann Arbor town 1 Emma A. Hoag to L. F. Preeman, Chelsea 1,000 Davis, Sweetland & Glazier to Emma A. Hoag, Chelsea 900 George W.Sherinan to Frunces A. Koberts.Saline _ 100 Henry Eberspecker to R. Keinpf, Ann Arbor town 500 Philip liaeh to G. Eberspecker, Ann Arbor town 250 Charles Dore to George v . Bartlett, Augusta 50 H. Wilkinson to J. M. Whceler, Northflèld , 1,600 E. F. Butts to John Groves, Ypsilanti town 325 E. D. Kinne to Joseph Clark, Ann Arbor, 1,000 Martin Bemus to G. F. Allmendinger, Ann Arbor 400 G. W. Stayton to Charles Calhoun, Ypsilanti town ; 450 James Davidson, by ex., to Delbert Marony, Oheisea 1,500 C. H. Kempï to C. W. Marony, Cheisea.. 1 Delbert Marony to C. W. Marony, Chelsea 1,510 T. J. Keech to W. and M. Andrés, Ann Arbor 1 F. Gtó.iintrs toEd. Oampbell, Dixboro.... 100 Ed. Campbell to W. F. Clements, Dixboro 50 - Jii
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Samuel Seney
Sarah Jane Seney
Jacob Hoffstetter
M. A. Burkhardt
J. T. Jacobs
F. N. Cole
Charles McCormick
Catherine Parsons
C. M. Gott
Charles F. Dose
M. A. Lukens
Helen Taylor
E. W. Morgan
George Lant
Horace Booth
F. Richardson
Elizabeth Booth
James W. Wing
Thomas Richardson
Isaac Shipley
Eugene Emerick
Charles Hestler
John Koch
Albert Mann
J. R. Trojanowski
Philip Bach
James Clements
Charles Fuller
H. A. Butler
J. D. Corey
F. D. Merrithew
W. A. Blanck
A. H. Pattengill
Moses Seabolt
G. W. Ray
V. J. Bill
Erastus Holmes
Samuel Robison
William Robison
Mary Newcomb
Fred Robison
C. F. Unterkercher
Richard Callis
J. R. Verselius
E. K. Frueauff
Amos Spokes
Orrin Wardell
R. J. Serviss
J. C. Goodrich
Fred Gott
Charles Henry
Kate B. Joslyn
Andrew Bartle
Julius Bartle
Emily Everett