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The Ideal Baking Powder Is Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder

The Ideal Baking Powder Is Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder image
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Por more than fifty years Cream of Tartar and Bicarbonate of Soda have been used for purposes vrith sufficient flour added to preserve the strength of the powder tmimpaired, and this with the addition of whites of eggs comprises this pure and wholesome leavening agent, that has been the standard for 40 years. ín its use pure, wholesome and delicious food is always assured. Makes cake and biscuit that retain their moisture, and while they are flaky and extremely light they are fine grained, not coarse and full of holes as made with ammonia baking powders, latter dries up quickly. Alum powders leave a bitter taste in the bread or cake. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder once used, always used.