SHOÏÏLD VISIT THE STORE OP Uï il & ft. THE OLD BELIABLE Dry Goods House (UÜToñilB! OF AUTUMN AND WINTER DRESS GOODS AND GLOAKS. We offer the largest line of Imported Dress Goods and Suitings, ever brought to this City. The stock is complete in all lines HANDSOME AND STYLISH, Scotch Cheviot Suiting. Elegant PATTERN DRESSES. THE MOST COMPLETE ASsortment of French Serges and Henriettas, all shades, colors and prices. BEAÜTIFÜL LINE OF BEDford Cords (very popular). COMPLETE LINE of COLORS in Twilled, Frencli Broadcloths, 46 inches wide, at $1.00 per yd. Great value. These goods are not to be found anywhere else in the city. 100 PIECES OF BEOCADES and Cords (all colors) in f Dress Goods at the uniform price of 15c per yd. The Cheapest lot of goods ever offerred to the trad e. 60 PIECES OF AMERICAN Cashmeres at 2oc per yd., choice colors and unequaled value for the money. AN IMMENSE LAY-OUT OF Dress Flannels and Home Spuns. OUR STOCK NEVER WAS so large ond handsome. Reefer Jackets the correct garment this season. In all qualities from 5.00 to $25.00. Plain and Fur trimmed, a grand collection of serviceable and stylish garments. Anlexamination will convince you of tbeir merits. PLUSH OLOAKS ARE STILL on top, and we offer the celebrated "Walker Plushes in all the various grades. The goods are guaranteed for wear and beauty. The best in the market. ALL OTHER DEPARTMENTS crowded with-first class goods, and all goods at bed -rock prices. REMEMBER THE PLACE AND GIVE US A CALL. The Old Keliable Dry Goods House, BAGH. ABEL & GO. 26 S. MAIN STREET.
Bach Abel & Co
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
26 S Main St