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A Ladies' ílive of the Maccabees is to be organized in this city. David Iiahr, drunk, paid Justice Pond $2 fine and $5.15 costs, Wednesday. Mrs. A. L. Noble gave a reception, Tuesday evening, to Rev. C. M. Cobern and wife. "Win. G. Henne and Emanuel Spring have been appointed ushers at Betl'lehom church. John Webber was sentenced to one day in Jail by .Tustice Buíts, Saturday, for being drunk. Andrew Barnes, a disorderly, was sent to jail for thirty days by Justic-e Butts, Monday. W. D. Adams and C. S. Millen have each purchased lots on the Hall addition within the past few days. A grandáon of the famous sculptor, I'mvors, is a member of the XJniversity. He hails from Florence, Italy. The regular monthly meeting Vf the Ladies,.' Charitable Union was held at Harris Hall, yesterday afternoon. The U. of M. rugby team dofeated tho team from Butler University, Saturday afternoon, by a score of 42 to 6. 1 - Sabrina, wife of John Tice, of Hiscock street, died on Friday of paralysis. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon. The play at the 'opera house, Monday evening, "New York, Day by Day.." was one tlle }est tnat llaa been here this season. Prof. Demnion will teach a class in English literature in the University extensión course at Detroit, beginning next Tuesday. Truant Ofiicer Thompson now frightens small boys into attendiug school by displaying a badge on which is engraved, "Pólice, No. 3." Fred Krause, the veteran auctioneer, reports good prices at the auctions this week. He lias had an auction every day so far this week. The young people's society of the Prtsbyterian church give a social this' evening, for the special benefit of the new studente of the University. Glen V. Mills, who is getting-out the new directory, is very anxious that any parties who tave moved since Sept. 20th sliall drop him a posta). Ecv. J. Jl .Gelston will preaeliat Alma, m;xt Sunday morning and in the evening will give an address on "Creeds," before the students of Alma College. Itev. T. W. MacLean, of Bay City, former Episcopal rector at Ypsilanti. has,received a cali trom a church al Mimieapolis, Minn. He has not yet acccpted it. John Baumgardner, the supervisro of the Fourth ward, was married, Tuesday inorning at St. Thomas church, to Misa PauHne Winzer, also oí this city. There is a general rumor afloat that the Vanderbilts have been purchasing largo amounts of bonds ol the T. & A. A. Ry. Co., and that they will.make that road a part of their syston. A. L. Afexander brought us sonie very line strawberries, last week, which he had picked in the garden. Enough lor three meals were gathered. Who says Michigan can't compete with California? Bev. Dr. A. F. Bruske, president of Alma College, wiU deliver the annual address before the young people's society of the Presbyterlan church, next Sunday evening, and will also occupy the pulpit in the morning. The announcement is made of the engagement of Fred H. Abbott, an attorney, of Crystal Fálls, who is well known here and spent eight years iH this city as a student in the high school, the literary department and law department, to Miss Emma Ellis, of Hudson, H. A. P. Carter, minister from the Sandwich Islands to the United States, dicd at New York, Sunday, en route from Carlsbad to his honie at Honolulú. The deceased was the father of Charles U. Carter, who marricd Miss Mary L'. Scott, the daughter of J. Austin Scott, in this city. The last excursión to Toledo over tho Ann Arbor road will be givcn tomorrow, Saturday, to see the Battle of Gettysburg. The fare for ' the round trip including admission to the cyclorama will be $1.25 from Ann Arbor. The train leaves here at 7:20 aj m., and returning leaves Toledo at 3:20 p. The fare for the round trip from Milan will be $1.00. The directora of tlie Ann Arbor Fruit and Vinegar Co. have deeidcd that more storage room is needed to keep pace with the increasing business and a new building, 40 by 50 feet will be erected for this purpose. Nelly McHenry, who will appear at the opera house, next week, will be remembered as thé lady whom a large audience waited ior one night last season until ten o'elock, at which time she arrived from Chicago by special train. The examination of Henry Forshee and others; charged with resisting the levy on an execution made by Deputy Sheriff Petersno, on his wheat, was commenced bofore Justice Pond, Tuesday, and was cohtinued until next Wednesday. Amos Corey, of the Fii'th Ward, couldn'i handle his ieet lively enougli to keep from falling while coming down Uie frosty sidewaik on the Traver street li 1 11, Wednesday morninji, and as a rcsiüt he now has a gprainod wrist. The handaonie dub aiul reception rooms of the Aan Arbor Ligb,t Iniantry will be opeaed nest AYednesday evening. Au informal reception will be given, to the members of the honorary corps and their ladies. The regular nionthly inspeetion will precede the reception. David Henning does not feel satisfied with theverdict of $1,000, recontly giveu him against the Central, by a jury in the U. S. District Court, at Detroit, and will make a strong effort for a new trial of the case. He thinks something was wrong1 with the jury. A partial chrysanthemum exhibit will be macje by James Toms, to-mor row, Saturday, at the pomológica meetiug in the basement of the court house. Mr. Toms invites lovers o flowers to witness a far greater dis ptóy at his green house on Millei avenue, next week. "Doe." B. F. Benuett, of Superior, died at liis home Tuosday morning, ugcd 59 years. The deceased was probably one of the best known men in the county, beiug a horse breeder and always active at the fairs held In the county. He was never married, living on his farm with his two sisters. Rev. Camden M. Cobern delivered the secoad of hia series of lectures, Sunday evening, on "The Wit and Humor of the Bible," the study being on "Acrostics, Anagrams and Puns." The series of lectures show deep study by Eev. Cobern, by means of which he has brought to light many hitherto undiscovered thoughts. In the circuit court, E. F. Johnson, as attorney for Mrs. Mary Efner, has eommenced suit againtst Fred Brown for $5,000 for selling liquor to a minor. Mrs. Efner is the mother of (Jeorge W. Efner, the boy wlio shot another boy named Miller in the second ward, in June, 1890. Young Etner was drunk at the time md the claim is now made that he got liquor at Brown's saloon. The Michigan Pump Co. has been organizel by Ann rt)or capHaMsts, mainly and articles of incorporation. havi been filed wPh tLe c-ccrctiry of State. The capital stock of the concern is $25,000. Wilford AinëK, who recently moved to this city from Evaiisvillo, Ind., is the principal stockholdar, the other Ann Arbor parties associated witli him being E. F. Johnson and H. C. Ames. The business of tlic company will be carried on in Ypisilanti, that city having offered the company strong inducements in the shape of a building, etc. Parménus V. Watts and Isabella i Foustcr were marrled in the townhip oí Lynfion in November, 1883. riicir morried Ufe has not proven exictly the happy one that was anticipated and the wife has filed a bilí n the circuit court asking for a sepiratioa f rom her husbaud, charging lini with extreme cruelty. The Aun Arbor Butter and Cheese 3o. is now paying $1 per hundred ponnds lor milk, fifteen cents more han was paid last month. The comany is meeting with great succes, every pound of butter they could make having been sold right in Ann Arbor at. prices ranging from 27 to 30 cents last month, and from 30 to -32 cents at present. Hallowe'en was celebrated Ais year with but little noise and without ilcstruction to property. as has too often markefl this event in the past. Smal] boys did some damage to gates and fences in the outskirts. A hundred or so students marched down town aiul bark to tin' campus about 10:30, where they enjoyed tbemsjelvea by small rushes. The JLlterary Adelphi has secured Prol'. D'Ooge for their special this wiek to g'ive a lecture on "Univerjity -Extensión," the subject which is just nów occupying the attention of the faculty. Tliere will also be music to vary the program. Miss A$ys C'ramer will sing and Mr. Fred Alexandcr will render a piano solo. A general invitation is extended to all. In; Room 2-i, to-night, at 8 p. m. The first meeting of the Unity Club course was held Monday evenlng, .1 large audlence being present. Dr. '. C. Vaughan gave a very interestIng talk on Pure Seience, detailing Djany of the diseoveries which liave proven of vast benefit to mankind. Miss Davis, pianist, and Mell Gillespie, banjoist, rendered ,sjiih' excellent music. Next Monday evening Mrs. L. H. 'Stone will read a paper on Bgypt, and Philip Whitman will read one entitled "Threo Years Out of the World." Ann Arbor people will be interested to know that a musical treat will be given tlicm in the audience room of the Congregational church, next Monday evening-, Nov. 9th. Wind Boone, much like Blind Tom, will give a concert at that time, assiated by Mis Stella May as vocalist , who has a rich contralto voice. He renders classical and popular music equally well, and towns where he has appc and are unstiuted in their praise. In Toronto he played every night lor a weck and liis audience increased to the last. Port Huron was delighted by his accuracy jn repeating a composition of one of their resident musicians, and wants him to come again. Thoses who tire of a full evening of classical rnusic will find something of lightnr vein. He brings his own Grand piano. W. S. Southard, the liveryman, thougüt, he was minus one of his best teams, last week. John Masou, a contractor, had had some trouble with his wife and she had gone to her father's, Amos Spokes', taking their two children with her. Thursday, Masón hired a team to drive to Milan. In, some way lie got possessiou of the two children and started away with thern, taking a yoúng colored boy named Brown along to drive 'the horses. ïue horses did not come back and by Friday noon Southard had made up his mind that something was wrong, and began sending out inquiries. Later in the afternoon Brown brought the horses in, pretty tirod and showing the result of a long drive. He said Mason drove to Adrian and with the two children, there took the train for Indiana. Mis. Emma Cook-Hateh üioA this morning of pneumonía, after a short illncvss. Mrs. Hcnry C. Dole, of Ypsilanti, severely buraed about the hands and face, yesterday aíternoon, by the explosión, of a lamp that she was lighting. James Laughlin, formerly of Northfirld, was accidentally drowned by falling into a pond at Toledo, Monday, aged 87 yeara. His remains were brought here yesterday, and taken to Northfield for interment.