Recommends it to Everyone'Thinking that a word irom me might Txj tiie cause oí others recelving benefit! ïrom your S. S. S., I write to saythát I bave been a Bufferer from Eczema, whlch ray doctor called pink Jièads. Smal! Mlgters would iorm on my limbs, would break and ooze, and cause! large sores to íorm. The odor arising would ba yery disagreeable, and I wóuld oíteu be laid up irom mie to two weeks at a time. The disease would break out about cvery two months. I tried various pñyslcians and treatments, but j-pc-iúved no permanent rolief until I was 5ndnced to try S. S. S., and feit the benefit from it in a few days. I continueil the. use oí (it until I had taken three bottles, whlch was over a year ago, and I hare not had the Eczema since. I believe it la thoroughly eradicated irom my system. I feel sure that S. S. S. is tlhe greatest blood remedy, and I would recommend it to every one afilie ted with any form of blood poison, lor I believe they will receive like beoerlta that I have." JNO. A. BEARD, Louisville, Ky. W will mail Irea to any address a most valuablc treatise on the blood and sskin. SWil'T SPEÓIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga.
Swift Specific Co.
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