Card Of Thanks
The people ot' St. Thomas' etnireh, onc and all, wish to cordially thank the newspapers, , the different musical orfcanizatious and the citizens in general of Ann Avbor ior the kind assistance glven in tte late fair. We freely adinrt that without this asBistance the fair wortld not have been sucli a great success. E. D. KELLY, Rector. "Spell wrong," said the teacher. "K-o-n-g," spelled the boy. "Wrong," said the teacher, "spell it' again." "A-g-a-i-n," spelled the boy. "See here," said the teacher severely, "What do yon mean by spelling 'wrong' again?" "You told me to spell it again," whimpered. tlie boy. And the teacher ■was o mixed up she had to dismiss the class.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus