Council Proceedings
I OFFICIAL.! COÜNCII CnAMBF.R. Ann Arbor, Oct. 28, lSyi. f Special meeting. Couneil met and was called to order l).v the President. Koll cali. A quorum present. Absent- Aid. Wincs, Herz, Martin, Taylor, Rehberg - 5, The eall for the special meeting was pead and tile following business transacted. OOSniTTNICATIONS FEOM THE MAYOR. ( iTv i)f Ann Aubob, i Mayok's OïJTOE, October33, 1891. f To tlw Honorable, tlie Common Couneil: Gentlemen: Pursuant to the resolution of your honorable body passed in Commou Couneil, üctober 19th, 1891, authorizing the appointment by the Mayor of au additional patrolman to the regular pólice íorce oí sald City and the detail of said patrolman as truant officer: And further, In pursuance of and inconíormity with your action at your special session of October 22nd, 1891, adopting the report of your Pólice Committ?e to whoin my communication to you detaüing the City Marshal as such truant oíficerwas referred, I ■ hereby appoint, subject to your confirniation, Thaddeus Thompson to the regular pólice forcé of said city and detail said Thompson as Truant Officer, as provided by law. It behi!i expresaly understood, nevertheless, that the services of the said Thompson uuder and by virtue of this appointment and this detail, are to be without expense to the City of Ann Arbor. WILLIAM G. DOTY, Mayor. Aid. Kitson moevd .that the communication of the Mayor be received and placed on file and the appointment of Thaddeus Thompson as Truant Offioer be confinned, which motion prevailed as follows: Yeas - Aid; Mann, Allmendinger, Fill more. O'Hearn, Ferguson, Hall, Kitson and President Cooley. - 8. Nays - None. President Cooley announced that the only other business was to meet wlth the Soldiers' Relief Commission ks a joint board to dispose of their report. At a session of the joint board witb President Cooley in the chair Commissioners Manly and Bogardus pre6ented their report and recommendations, including a list of soldiers and soldiers' widows entitled to aid under the provisions of the Soldiers' Relief act. Whereupon Aid. Hall offercd the following resolution: Resolved, That the report and recommendations of the Soldiers' Relief Commission be adopted and ordered placed on file, and that the list of persons therein contained be certified to the City Clerk, pursuant to law. After discussion of the same by Commissioners Bogardus and Manly, it adopted by yeas and nays as follows: Veas - Aid. Mann, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Renberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley and Commissioners Bogardus and Manly- 12. Nays - None. AVhereupon the board sitting -vitli Relief Commissioners adjourned. After which the Council being called to order, Aid. Hall moved that when the Council, adjourn it adjourn to meet at tli enext regular stated meeting at 7 o'clock. p. m., standard time, which motion prevailed. On motion the Couneil adjourned. W. J. MÍLLER, City Clerk. Council ClxajnlMT. Ann Arbor, Nov. 2, 1891. Regular meeting. PneSlöetiit Cooley beiag absent, tlie counoiil w-as called t-0 order by 1hc cilty clerk. KoH called. A quorum present. Absent, AM. Hall and Pres. Cooley -2. AM. Taylor was called to the chair. Milimites of previous meetings read and apprwved. The clerk announced the appointment by the mayor, of Charles J. Conrath arad W. C. Coni-ath as special policemien at the opera house, subject to the provüsioos of the resolution pas.sed Oct. 19. PETJTIONS 4ND COMMUNICATIONS. A petrtion signed by Segwick Dean, and one hundred and twenty-six otlier residente and property holders of tlie city of Ann Arbor, asking for the conetructiton of a main sewer, in accordiance wilth the plan submitted by Prof. Chas. E. Groene, and by the sewerage commilttee, and to raise by tax and to be levited in the year 1892, the 'salín of twenty thousand dollars, and the time for subrnitting said questiion to a vote of the people to be ÍDxed during the montli of November 1891. Cooley having arrived, resumed the chaiir. Aid. Martiln moved that the petition be received and spread on tlie journal. Whifch motion was lost by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Alds. Mann, Taylor, Kitson, and Pree. Cooley- 4. Nays - Alds. Herz, Martiln, Allmendiiínger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson and Rehberg - 7. Aid. Mann moved that the petiltilon be received and placed on file. "Whieh motion was lost by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yca.s- Alds. Jlann, Wioies, O'Hearn, Taylor, Kiltson and Pres. Cooley- G. Nays- Alds. Herz, Martiln, Allmondüniger, Fillmoro, Fergoison, Rehberg - 6. BEPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEE S. FINANCE. To tJie Common Councü: Yotit Committeie on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would rccommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGE-iT FUNI). W. J. Miller, salary 66 66 B.B.Norri8, " 25 00 Kegister Publishing Co., typewriting Bridge contract 1 50 Jacob H. Stark, two months' salary, janitor 16 66 W. J . Miller. freigbt charges, etc ( 35 Martin ( lurk. Milary frorn August 1 to November 1 25 00 Wiilium (. Dieterle, bundlcs on Council rootn t'u ruit ure, etc 90O Telephone and Telegraph Construetion Co 37 öO J. C. and W. W. Watts. repairingCouucil room elock and gold dollar uiounted for Ex-iMayor Beakes 9 00 Aun Arbor T.-H. Eleetriet Co., street iighting 613 36 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., lights, Cierk's ollice - 200 S VV. Beakes, three months' salary -ñ 00 Estáte of Mee A. Beal, printing :f (5 S. W. Heiikos, printing 5 00 Estáte of Hice A . Beal, Pub. Couneil Proceedings - 37 52 Ann Arbor Argus, Pub. Couneil Proceediugs 37 52 Total I 950 72 STREET FÜND. ïTelson Sutherland, salary, 66 66 Smith Motley, ■ 80 00 Michael Williams, labor 5 25 Joseph Hutzel, labor 17 63 M. u. Murnhy, labor 21 38 Mictiael Kenny, labor 13 S0 Antón Spier8, labor i 50 Gustav-e Waltere, labor _ 6 75 Willis Clark, labor 2fi 25 Frank Sutherland, labor 6 25 Wm. Nimps, labor 19 28 Wm. Kuehn, labor 22 20 Dan Crawt'ord, teaming 8 75 William Masón, teaming 50 Wat Schnierle, teaming 3 50 Selson Sutherland, teaming 22 81 Tfcinzmann & Laubengayer, salt 60 ïeorge Kim, building sidewalk 25 50 James Tolbert. lu mber, ete 365 65 S. C. Barney, relay ing sidewalk 18 50 Emil Baur, teaming 8 00 G. H. Winslow, gravel 20 00 Seytiold & Allmcndínecr, repairs 16 00 John Baumgnrdner, stone 1T sr T. L. Hewitt, building sidewalk 47 72 Total Ï 812 33 FIRE DEPARTMENT FÜND. ?red Sipley, ealary 80 00 C. A. Kdwards, salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, salary 45 00 Henry McLaren, salary 45 00 Charles Carroll, salary 40 00 Morgan Williams, salary 40 09 Max Wittlinger, salary 40 00 Ale.xander D. Imus, salary 40 00 Herman Kirn, salary 8 00 Kobert Ross, salary 8 00 .Louis weinmann, salary 8 00 JohnKinney , salary 8 00 Sam McLaren, 6alary 8 00 Seabolt & Allmendinger, horseshoeing.etc 16 60 Bach, Abel & Co., supplies 3 93 WilliamG. Dieterle, supplies 24 00 Daniel Hiscock, supplies 24 00 Bach, Abel &Co , supplies 9 00 David Malloy, repairs, 75 Mrs. Keam, washing 4 00 H.C. Clark, oats 3 60 James Tolbert, lumber, etc 88 61 Total $ 518 29 ff POX'TnK FTTND. James K. Murray, salary _ 65 00 David Collins, sálary 50 GO Noble C. Tice, salary... 50 00 John KenOy, special pólice 6 00 Frank Campion, special pólice 4 00 W. G. Snow, norse hire 2 00 Total 8 ITT 00 POOR FUND. Fred Sipley, salary 10 00 Uciiry Braun, lb'i eords wood.. 62 00 Kobert Martiu, 15 cords wood 45 oo Ed. Duffy, groceries ü 42 John Goetz & Sou, groceries :s 68 William F, Lodholz, " 8 40 Willinm H. Mclntyre, " 8 66 Rinsey & Seabolt, " 475 Caspar Kinsey, " e 41 Jacob Werner, ' 500 Mrs. Evans, aid i-n Miss Shaw, aid 3 00 Total $ 165 06 RECAPITULATION. Contingent Fund .".. f 950 T2 Street Fund 812 33 Fire Fnnd 518 29 Pólice Fund 177 00 Poor Fund 165 06 Total ...$2,623 40 Respectfully submitted. Eugene G. Mann, William Hekz, Finalice Committee. Aid. Manu moved that the report be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the samo, whieh motion prevailed as follows: Ycas - Aids. Manu, Herz, Martin, Allm-andimger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Jíehborg, Kitson and Pres. Coole.y-11. Nays - Aid. Wines - 1. KEPORTS OF CITY OFFICEHS. CITY TKEASXJRER'S REPORT FOR THE JIONTH ENDINO OCTOBER 31, 1891. To the Cornmon Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Balance overdrawn as per last report $4,077.65 MONEY RECEIVED. Contingent Fund- Miller, lamps % 10.00 Murray, oflicer'sfees-. 7.10 County Treas-, liquor tax aOl.10 Ju8tiee Pond, flne 1.00 319.20 Delinquent Tax Fund... 21.66 Street Fund- Sutherland, dirt sold Rinsey, Ferguson andPattengill 277.35 Total $ 618.21 $3,459.44 MONEY DISBURSED. Contingent Fund $ 846.87 Street Fund 873.33 Firemen'8 Fund 447.78 Pólice Fund 16SI.50 PoorFund 61.77 Total $2,399.25 BALANCE ON HAND, Contingent Fund overdrawn $2,086.64 Street Fund, overdrawn 6,960.76 Firemen'sFund, overdrawn 318.37 Pólice Fund 135.28 PoorFund 1,184.14 Water Fund 964.71 Cemetery Fund 62.93 Soldiers' Relief Fu nd . 602.40 University Hospital Aid Bond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund x ■ % ■■ f - . 1 ■.-. x -mrn'w ir . IYl'.I O O overdrawn 382.38 DogTaxFund 100.00 Total 3,889.46 Ï9.T48.15 Total overdrafts $5,858.69 Respectfully submitted, S. W. Bbakes, City Treasurer. Ann Arbor City, October 31, 1891. Ann Arbor Sa vinos Bank, Ann Akbok, Mich ., Nov . 2, 1891. J To tlie Mayar and Aldermen of tlie City of Ann Arbor: This is to certify that the account of S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer, with this Bank stands overdrawn Filtyeight Ilundred Seventy-two and 10-100 Dollars ($5,872.16). Yours truly, Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. Tlie reports of city cjerk, marslia] and superintendent of the poor, were received and placed on file. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Aid. O'Hearn moved that the resoution of Aid. Fillmore for buildinp; a stone culvert on Felch street cording to original motion, be put upon its passage. Aid. Martin moved that Col. Dean bc allowed to have the iloor. O&rrled. The reeolution of Aid. Fillmore wea -theii' read, as iïiIIowk: Whtsreas, The board of public wwks, haring roportcd to i lic cónimon couiK-ü, that the culvert, over the mi;i race mi Felch sreet, is out of repair an-l in a dangeroue conditiou, and liaving submitted plana and estímate oí coH of a new sstone cnlvert, and it appearing to the council that a new stonï eulvert ought to be built and coustructed thereat, and that the samo is a necessary public; improvement, therefore. Resolved, That a new tone culvert be and the same is hereby ordered constructed over nüll race on Felch Ktrcrt, accordüig to the plans so subraitted by the board of publie "vorks, and that the siim of four hundred and fifty dollars Ixí and the same is hereby appropriated f rom the street fund, therel'or. That the board of public works do cause said eulvert to be constructed, without uniiioeessary delay, accordlns to plans so submitted. Aid. JlTinn moved as an amendment that the culvert le eonetructed of wood instead of stone, and at an expense not exceeding $100. Wliicli amcndincut was lost by yeaa and nays as follows: Yeas- Aids. Manu, Taylor and Tres. Cooley- 3, Nays - A'ös. Wlnesj II rz, Martin, Allmt'iidiiiiicr, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, líolilHTfí and Kitson - ÍJ. The reeolutlon ivas then passed by yen and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aids. Hcrz, Martin, Allmcndinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Rehberg and Pres. Cooley- 8. Nays - Aids. Manu, "Wincs, Taylor and Kitson - 4. Aid. Martin moved that the vote upon the mO'tion to receive and spread upon the Journal, the petition of 127 citizens í'clating to sewerage be reconsidered. Aid. Wines moved that G. Frank Allmcndinger and others be allo wed the floor. There being no objection, G. Frank AUniendinger, Henry S. Dean and John V. Sheehan addressed the council on the seweráge question. The motion to reconsider was lost by a yea and nay vote as íollows: Teas - Alds. Wines, Martin, Taylor, Ivitson and Pres. Cooley - 5. Nays - AUls. Manu, H'rz, Allmendinger, FÜlmore, O'Hcarn, Ferg'uson and Eetobwg - 7. A!d. O'IIearn 'noved tliat the )vtition li.' i''c;'ivc'il aad referrett to the j pe-Werage coTnjnïttee, Carried. By Aid. Hite Resolved, 'llril cuy Irrk advertise for bi!s for eightj ■ lights, to be 2,000 caatlle jjüwit electrlc lampe ligihting our city for the coming year, to be run on the PMladelphia sehedule of moon-light, ligiHin.n'. AVliich resolution prevailed by a vea and nay vote as folio vs: Yeas- Aids. Maan, Wines, Herz. Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Perg-uson, Taylor, Rehberg, Kitson, and Pres. Cooley - 12. Xays- Xone. (Continued on Seveiith Page.) COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. (Coccluded ) ■ . By Aid. Taylor: ; igolvèd, ïliat hereaffcer all moueys reeeiveil irom fines and poïice officers fines be pluceil to the credit of the pólice futtd. Which retsolution prevalled. By Aid. Horz: Resolved, That the suin of seventyfive dollars asked by the board of public works lor putting the alley hetwecn Huron and Washington sts., and between Main and Ashley sts., on the proper grade, be granted. Whicli resolution prevailcd as iollows: Ycas- Aids. Maan, TVines, Herz, Martin. Allmondinger. Fillmore, O'Hearn, j?ersli.son, Taylor, üehberg and Pres. Cooley- 11. Xays- Kitson- 1. MOTIONS AXI) KENOI.UTIOXS. By Aid. Kit son : Resolved, That the followiftg sldewalks be mul are hereby ordered graded and constructed witliin ten days from Nov. 12th, 18J1. ou the west side of Observatory street, from üeddes avenue to Ann street, a.nd in front of lots and uremises owned and occupied by the foltnwine: named persons : Alice E. Grant, lot 1, block 1, E. S. Sraith tli'ird addition. Sarah L. Wilson, lot 18, block 1, R. S. Smith third addition. Vm. .laeobus, lot 5, block 2, R. S. Smith third addition. Svlvia E. Smith, lots 6 and 9, block 2, R, S Smith third addition. John R. Miner, lot 7, block 2, R. S. Smith third addition. Alice E. Grant, lot 8, blook 2R. S. Smith third addition. Marinda A. Lukins, lot 10, block 2, R. S. Smith third addition. Julia A. Street, lot 11, block 2, R. S. Smith third addition. The said sidewalks shall be five feet in width .and shall be constructed oí good pine plank, free from sap, which shall be uot less than two inches in thiekness, more than twelve or less than five inches wide, and laid on oak, cedar, piue or hemlock sleepers not less than two by four inches in size, to be placed in pairs not more than four (eet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less than twenty penny, vvith at least two at each end of each plank and not less than two at any otherbearing. Thcy shall -cd from the curbstone in the proportiou of eight inches in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owner or occupant i front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to bulld said walk in accordance wlth the resólutlon and the ordinance of the city within the time herein shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works. to at once cause the saine to be done in iiecordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Oominon Couucil, in aecordance with the ordinances of the city. Carried. Which motion prevailod by yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas - Aids. Maan, Wines, Herz, Taylor, Renberg-, Kitson and Pres. Coolcy Y Nays - Aids. Martin Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, and Ferg-uson - 5. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within teu days from Xov. 9th, on the west side of Ashley street, on the east side of First street, on Fonrth ave., west side, and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named persons : WEST SIDE OF ASIILEY STREET. Philip Visel, lots 1 and 2, except the west fractional part of said lots, block 4, soutli range 2 east. bouuded northby William street, east by Secoud street, west by T. A. A. & N. M. railroad. (ottlieb Schueider, lots.A and 1, (fractional) bloek 5, soutli range 'i east. Mrs. Conde, lot 2 (fractional) blocjs: 5, south range 2 east. John Hermaun,Sr., lot 3 (fractional) block . south range 2 east. John Herman, lot 4 (fractional) block 5, south range 2 east. William Schluede, residence lying directly east of lot 5, south range 2 east of equal width, said lot extending to the west line of south Second street. Mrs. Louise Dolle, lot C (fractional) block 5, south range 2 rast. Fadale Schmidt, lot 7 (fractional) block 5, soxith range 2 east. Otto Sehneider, lot 8 (fractional) block 5, south range 2 east. Andrew Burk, lots 9 10 aud 11, (fractional, Wock 5, south raage 2 east. ON FOÜRTH AVENUE. Kate Hanlon, lot 13, block 4, north range 4 cast. ON FIRST STREET. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northern Michigan Railroad Co., lots 3, 4. and 5, block 4, south range 2 east. The said sidewalks sball be five feet in width and shall be coustructed of good pine plank, free from sap, which shall not be less than two inches in thickuess, more than twelve or less than five inches wide, aud laid on oak, cedar, piue or hemlook sleepírs not less than two by four inches in size, to be placed iu paira not more than íour íeet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with naïls not less than twenty penny, with at least two at each end oí each plank and not less tban two at any other bearing. They shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportiou of eigtít inches in twenty feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owner or occupantin front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in accordance with the resolutiou and ordinance of the city within the time herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to bhe Commofl Coum-il, in accordance with the ordiuanees of the city. Which motion prerailed as follows: Yeas-Alds. Maan, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendingei-, FUlmore, Taylor, O'Hearn, Renborg, Kitsoö and Pres. Cooley- 11. Nays - Aid. Ferguson - 1. By Aid. Taylor: Ilcsolved, Tliat perroission be and is hereby granted to Jacob Greenman to remove ome eliade tree frotn beïore Uis prcinises on. Broadway. s AYhicli motion prevailed. By. Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That this council meet at 7 o'cloek standard time, for regular meetings from November 10, 1891, nntil the last regular meeting in March, 1892. Which motion prevailed. By Aid. Herz: Resolved that the board of public works be instructed to attend to the eidewalk in front of Dr. Herdman's premises on W. Huron street. Keïer-red to the board of public works. On motion the council then adjourned.
Ann Arbor City Council
Ann Arbor City Police
Soldiers' Relief Commission
Sewers & Sewage
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Thaddeus Thompson
William G. Doty
Segwick Dean
Charles E. Greene
Eugene G. Mann
William Herz
S. W. Beakes
George Frank Allmendinger
John V. Sheehan
Alice E. Grant
Sarah L. Wilson
William Jacobus
Sylvia E. Smith
John R. Miner
Marinda A. Lukins
Julia A. Street
Philip Visel
Gottlieb Schneider
John Herman
William Schleede
Louise Dolle
Fadale Schmidt
Otto Schneider
Andrew Burke
Kate Hanlon
W. J. Miller