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Adrian Press Washtenawisms

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The Ypsilantian was mighty thin last week. Not the editorials or local - they were rueaty enough- hut the papei' used was thin. George J. Nisly, the Saline poultryman, is an auxiliary world's fair commissioner on cockoodoodledos. Saline now justly feels that she rules the roost. ( ; Júpiter is now the boss strut of the heavcns, and one of the latost things out in the evenlng. - Adrián Press. How about tho Press man?- :Monróe Democrat. Out pvenings only to pray -r ineetngs. A gentleman wlio recently attended a theatre performance at Ann Arbor, declares th,at he recognized tlie dust mil dead flies on the drapery and drop curtain that he saw there ten years before. We refer to this matter only ,as an insta nee of wonderful meinory. The Ypsilanti lecture course books ten entertainment, aud cracks the citizens $2.00 cacli, first choice of seats. Only 828 tickets will be issued. Stuöents' tickets range from $1.00 to $1.50, according to seat and poelen - oook. A Saline man is holding his wheat for.$3 per bushel. The Observer believes that the sun wiü rise ia the west beiore he gets it. He seeuis to be one of those disciples of McKinley who are sittlng on the shores of time scanning the horizon of eternity ior the "home market." Never maxry a woman who is a fainter; but if you do and your wife faints, don't go to pawing around her inouth, but bait it carefully with chcese and "set" her for a rat trap. Mrs. Bennett, oí Ann Arbor, fainted Tuesday evening of last week, and her excited husband fumbled about lier face till her jaws suddenly snapped together and caught one of his fingers. He was rescued by the poücc, who heard his yells of "murder!" 'help!" &c. The brain dovelopinent of the 2,500 student at the Ann Arbor university, whieh has usually been productire of numeraos eruptions of rowdism in the past, has not moved to much disturbance yet. However, the frestíman clase lately became imbued with a sense of ownership of the .town, and of the importance of nnpressiaig that fact on the citizens, and they entered iipon a down town promenade and crowded and jostled on th estreets, and defied the authorities till the clock struck one, and the pólice another, and considerable solid education was imparted at comparatiyèly email expense to the professor of judiciary. , Mr. Hammond offered ;i fine lot of registercd Shropslüre sheep íor sale at auction last week over at Ypsilanti. There were lots of buyers, each liaving pasted iu the crown of his hat Ed. Allen's 1S8S promise for 50 cents a pound for wool, and by its side was the present market quotation of 22 cents. The bids were made accordingly and after a part of the flock had been knocked down at JIcKinley prices, Hammond danced into the ring, and called a halt, right then and there and gave the sheep ownei-s notice that il they secured any more protected sheep, they would have to ante up his prioe. A few parties invested, but the most of the farmers locked their hands under their coat, tall, whistled softly, and decided to wait till after the Ohio election. WO have it on the authority of the Saline Observer that some Normal sfrudents succecded in inveigleing one oí their number out on a snipe hunt. It was night. They told him to hold a lantern in front of an open bag, whila they seared up the snipe, which would at once, attracted by the light, fly into the ba,g. So they stood him intho swamp and went home. The Normal dupe arrived some hours later, very cold and dejected and will employ a surgeon to trepan his skull, and put in the brains of a snipe. Even railroads are sometimos made aware that It pays to bc accommodating. The Ypsi-Ann motor road, like most all corporations of that kind, was sweet enough till it secured lts franchise, and got an entry to the two cities. . Then it began to put on corporato airs, and when Ypsüantians asked for( compliance' with ,certain terms that they claimed were understood, the Co. declined and became "puffed up" and high-headed, and its engines snorted, and its bclls rung, and, fts cars rumbled regardless of the wish of the grave solons who lcgislated in the council chamber. But as time passed on, the company discovered that if it could extend its track along down Washington street, it woulrt redound to their interest. So they put in a yery pretty petition for the franchise. And noiv came the turn for the city dads, to tip their hats over on, one ear, and let memory have full sway in the recesses of the cranium. Just now the company is running its road, but not the council. The brakes of indignation are on that body and it don't more, either. If the company gets any further favors there, it will bei on the broad ground of reciprocity. Until then, the motto of the Ypsi "dads" is "Thus far shalt thou come but no farther." And the people cry out- "So motor be."