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Kaüroaö Commissioaer Whitman was at Lanslng, Tuesday. A. AV. Ames returned Sunday ironi liis annual visit to Chicago. Mré. David lünsey in spencUng several days this week, in Detroit. Mrs. Gillette and Mra, Mary B. Henderson went to Detroit, Tuesday. Natc Stanger is taking a vacation fromliis work at Koen & Henne's. David Hennlng has been in th city, returning to Chicago Wednesday night. Mrs. Hcnry Logan,, of Oceola, JAvingston couaty, is the gitest of J:is. N. Rlley. John'H. Maynard, of San Francisco, Cal., i visitlng his parents on X. División street. Prof. O. C. Seeley, ol Grand Rapids, is visiting his parents on East Washington street. J. C. Watts, of East Saginaw, has been visiting his family, on Liberty street, .this week. D. Stoddart, of Halifax, N. S., has been visiting his brother-in-Iaw, Morris Lantz, this week. Arthur Beardsell, of Hudson, spent a couple oí days this week with friends in the city. Miss Lizzie Gregg, of Jackson, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. W. D. Adams. W. H. Maxwell, law '00, now a prominent attorncy of Cinciunati, was in the city, Friday. Mies Maggie McHugh, who has been thq feuest of Mrs. Chas. Dwyer, returaed to Dextcr, Monda, v. O. M. Clement, of St. Johns, spent Monday and Tuesday as the guest oí his brother, Lew H. Clement. Messrs. L'awrènce, Besimer, Loomis and Bross have been at Strawberry lake, this week, huntiug and fishing. The family of John Koch, of West Uhertv street. have moved to Detroit. Mr. Koch expects to go in a few days. Hon. Peter N. Cook, of Corunna, ■was, in the city tliis week, visiting liis daughter, wlio is attending the University. Miss Ida Huston and Miss Maggid Waller, of Iansing, spent AVednesday as the guest of the únele of thc former, Z. Roath. Mrs. Johu Stanger went to Chicago, last week, to attend the wedding o1' her son, thc affair taking place last Thursday. F. C. Lohiser, of Cleveland, O., was in the city, Mouday. A dozen years ago, Jlr. Lohiser residod with liis parents in this city. Ernsi Voee, the newly appointed instructor oí Gterman in the Unirersity, anivcd Monday from his former liomc, East Saginaw. Edward Duffy -vvcut to Uansing, Wcdnosday to attend a' meeting of the prison board. Yesterday the board, in company with Governor Winans, ,pai( an official visit to the House of Corretcion at Ionia.