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"THE -:- STORE" -CLOAKSAND DRESSIOODS The Phenomenal achievements of "The Store," the unquestionably LARCÜKT DRY (JOODS, C4HFET liI) Í10AK HOUSE In the County has been astounding the business community. The complete and unqualified success of OOS P0L1CT - PGPÜLAR PEICES Stands a lasting monument to the trade. i i Over Eight Hundred Dollars ($800) worth of CLOAKS sold in Less than Three Hours. Over Three Hundred Dollars ($300) worttb of DRESS G00DS sold the same day in the same length of time, Is the convineing proof that the public has set its seal of approval on oar business methods. Evarybody MiiU, Evepybody táiá, Evwybody Saiisfled. "How can they do it?" "Where do they get the Goods ?" "Why do they sell so Cheap?" Are familiar expressions on every side. Enormous as have been our Cloak and Dress Sales we have still an immense stock left and every day brings us something in :he latest styles of Cloaks and Dress Goods. We are determined there shall be no let up on our business. Remember it is in line with our policy to do better for you than any of our competitors can do. This week we offer 300 pairs nice, soft Blankets for 58e. Natural Wool Blankets for $1.00. Our Home-made Oomforters from $1.00 to $7.00 have no equal. Dr. F. G. Scïirepper, ranm süeqs Is responsible for tril the worfc he does in his line of business. OFFICE: At Kittredge's Livery Stable. Kesidence, 7 Founiain Street, Orders may be lef t or telephoned to Eberbach's Drug Store. EJ.BILBIEJiolMsl Pupil of Sair et. After three years' study at the "Stern Conervatory," Berlin, Germany, under eminent eaehers in Solo, Ensemble, aud Theory; also under professors of the "Berlin High School" s now prepared to take pupils at his rooms in he Ann Arbor Organ Company's Building, Cor. Main and Liberty Sis., .A-isnsr aeboe. S9 Terms made known on application. _S MM THE "AC ME" C W AGRI CULTURAL 'tf II " BOILER. mf' For Cooking Feed for Bi Stock Heating Water, ' and Generating Steam ■ I ■ for Various Purposes. B Ell I 9 "or Descriptive Circular fu IBli n'"' ''r"'e 1;ist' addressthe Wíj C.aHUDiaLíiíSON, Kala1 ia ü " - - mazoo,