Broke Into A Store
BiH-gíiirs cut. a hole in the glass in the back door of F. T. Stimson's grocery store, Mönday night, and reachng through turnetl the key and opened the door. Once inside, they pocketed what change wan in the drawer, $G.O2, and filling their poekets with clgars, telt the same way that they had ntered. There ave numerous hangcrs-on about Ann Arbor who never work' and yet always have raoney enough to keep drunk, and the ofiicei-s are suspicious of these parties as being the ones who are responsible ior the numerous 'petty burglaries and sneak thieving jobs which have occurred in this city and the authorities are now keeping th?m under survelllaiiee.
Crime & Criminals
Grocery Stores
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
F. T. Stimson