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The Burglar

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Will be giren at the Grand opera house, Moiulay evening, Xov. 1G. This famons play, originally produeed at the Madlfion Square theatre, New York, and ior the past two seasons cutour throughout the country, is one oï those uniquely touching coiuedy dramas whose theme is drawn from ordinary daily occurrenees, and hightened by the discovery that a reputed mem ber o( society is a famous burglai Suspeeted and accused, lie disappear for a while; but atter an interval daring which he is supposed to have dièd, lic reappears and ia eventually caught robbing liis owu wife's residence, altliougli at the time its occupants are unknown to the buvglar. The remarltable mldnlght interview betweon the prëcocions cliüd and the robber lias no counterpart in the annals of dramatic history. The auditor's every seene is wrought to a high tensión while every oinoüon ahrrnately played upon, make the úeen'' oae ol abeórblng interest. This play luis been recelved with greal favor, and has drawn largö'housês wherever prodneed.