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A Well Desrved Compliment

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The Boston Musical Herald for November pays Prof. Stanley's work in this coinmunity a veil deservetl compliment, whlfih is of all the more value because of the very high standard oí the Musical Herald in musical criticiem, vhieh is recognized in all rnusii-al clrclee. The uotice is also exbremely complimentary to Ann Arbor. It is as follows: There is a fine enthusiasra in college circles at Ann Arbor towards music. The University has established a most thorough course in musical ecience, history and aesthetics, and the zeal oï Albert Stanley is making it popular. There is connected witll the university a Choral Union, -which stands sponser ïor a varied course of concert-s, all. of a liigh eharacter, upon which the whole community relies. Each year under Mr. Stanley, the Standard of taste aad execution at Ann Arbor University has advanced On til it is possible to announce a work like Berlioz's "Faust" without fea.1 oï an inadequate performance. Whilc i( is t rut' tliat Ann Arbor is the Viiiversity of Michigan añil the Dniversity of Michigan is Ann Arbor, the ïact remains that so far as public aclncvcmcin. is concerned the Fituation there is without a parallel in this country. ■