Mrs. Stone's Lecture On Egypt
The lecture oí Mrs. Lucy H. Stone, ist Monday evealng, in the Unity lub eourse. was very instructivo and as delivered to a largo audience. lrs. Stone visitod Egypt three times, hè seleeted as the gvcatcst points f interest in her lecture, Alexandria, airo, tlm pyramids, Suez canal and he Niíe to the íirst Cataract. To viiow Egypt rightly', she said, was a tudy of years. The approach . to Uexaudria filis the mind witU grand onceptious of its ancient I" at it is a new birth into the past. u speaking of the tropical climate he remarkcd that the uights were of hort duration but the sunshine of Ih: morning was beyond description. yhe graphically describüd the oriental narts, wherw all kinds of trades were ■arried on and the streets were fiüed with heavily laden camels, with búrleos so oppivssive that the camels actually shed tears. Cairo is far more Egyptian thaii Alexandria. It lias a niosque universlty with 12,000 studenta Ín atiéndante. The professors stand leaning against a pillar wliile lecturing and a number oi them are leeturing at tlie same time iu the same audience room. Mrs. Stcme, "vitli her lady studeüts, went to the top oE thu great pyramld and wliile tliere had the extreme pleasure ol meeting Emperor Dom Pedro and his amia ble wiíe. The emperor expressed him sel! as ulghly pleasd with the American co-educational system and said he expected to visit this country. l'hil. Whitman read a very interesting paper on his sojourn in the desolate regioiis of Sonora, Mexico. Miss Vollaud i-endered au excellent musical selectiou, Miss M arlan Smith acconipanying har on the piano anc Mr. Bilbic ou the violin. Th audi nee were also greatly dolighted by vioüi and piano eleclions by Mr. Bilbie and Miss (winner.
Unity Club
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Lucy H. Stone
E. N. Bilbie
Marian Smith
Caroline Gwinner