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Light Infantry Reception

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Wednesday evening, the haudsome new reception pariors and club rooms of The Ann Arbor Light Iufantry, were thrown open, the occasion being an informal reception given to the honorary corps and tlieir ladies by the company. The rooms and the armory are large and Bpaclous and it is fortúnate t'hat thej' are, for the rooms were taxed by the nearly iive hundred guests who were present. The gallery in the armory was filled as were 250 chaira lining the sides of the aimory, while a number were unable to obtain seats during that part oi the evening's program, whlch took place In, the armory. Col. Dean, 8. W. Beakee and Z. Boath, of the eompany board oí control, togetíiei: "vvith the oificers and a detail of tea men, received the guests and e.scorted them tlirough the various rooms, from i'hence they passed to he armory above. At 8:30 the Infantry presented iteelf for inspection, 37 men being in line, besidea:the iive sergeants and the three commissioaed officers. Every partiële of dust had been brushcd from tlie old imiforms and every button' and other metal part of the uniform shone like gold. Capt. Hiscock presented his company to Major MWard, of the lst. lufantry, lor inspection, tliat official with Adjutaut Baxter, oí the 4th. Infautry, then making a thorougli inspection of the members, their uniforma and arms, finding theni wil hout blemish. Tliis ceremony oecupled about hall an hour, after which (api. Hiecock attempted to give a short exhibitlon drill, but owing to i .1 l . ■ laxge nuinbir oí mrn in Une and tbe .snia 11 space reserved íor drilling, was able to make bat few movements. Later, liowcver, Lieut. Avmstrong C'lioso seventeen men, none of Avhoin wltli the exceptlon of tour, had ever handled a gun uut il the organization oi the present company, and gave Uw asst'mblage a sample of What prollclency in dril! can be attalned in a short, space of time, with uien who take an Interest in it. The men drilled in very quick time la manual as well as step, and the exhlbition was witliout au error, meeting with much applause from the spectators, and with favorable coinnient iiom the military critics present. l'ollowing the inspection cunie the most pleasing part of the evening's entertainment, the rendition of a plinientary concert of six numbers, teudered to the Infantry by the Chequamegon orchestra. This organUution was never iu better iorm and the program, Wednestiay evening, was one of their best, the highest compliment possible toa musician - rhat of close attention and perfect silence during the rendition of the pieces - belng paid to them by their audionce. Their program of numbers was as follows: 1. Overture- Entt'uhrungausdem Serail,.. Mozart f. Flirtation Waltó Steek For Urchestra. 3. LaTourturelle Eili-uberg INTBHMISSIOS. 4. Andante- Fiom Surprise Symphonij... Huydn 6. Concert Waltz- Sounda fro:u Vienua Wood8-.i. Johann Stiuss 6. Galop- Ulizzard Hollinson At the close of the concert, a portion of the guests grasped the opportunity of making another inspection of the beautiful rooms and furnlshings. The young tneinbers rcmained in the armory, and enjoyed au informal hop unt il midnight, a pleasure to them which was not on the program and which was entlrely unexpeeted. THE KOOJIS. The arrangement of the rooms for the usos for which they are intaadfld are aá good as could have been made had a building been ereeted for the purposc. Prom the umin hall, an antrance is made into anothor hall running in an oppositc direct ion, this hall being decorated in seratch work and tule in colors which blend nlcely. On tüie right, two doors enter into the reception parlors, probably the finest in decoration and furnlshings of any in the state. The room is 20 by 35 feet, in size, a casing in the center making a break in the room and partially divides it. The decorations, draperies and pictures have been kopt by the committee having the room in charge, in the most delicate oí colors, white and gilt. The iiuj Brussels carpet is also delicate in colors, as well as texture, ,but was covered on the opening night by a new, white canvass. The fumiture is heavy and massive, all of antique oak finisli, upholsterSd in maroou colored loathcr, harmonlöng well with the finish of the room. Draped in the center of the room were two pairs of heavy ehenile portieres, in crea in and old gold. Library tables, a fine new piano and easels upon -hicli stood large plcturea of Capt. C. E. Hiscock and one of the JJfrht lnfantry. complete turnlshinfes. - The decorations of this room are something entlrely new in this vlelnlty, being entirifly in relief work. The ceiling is the most conspicuous, hundreds ol stalactltea of cream white, varying irom half an inch to live Inehes in length, hanging down. each tlpped with igoïd. A heavy relief friez" in gold is the only relief to the side walls which are in cream colored stripple. The contract for decorating was lel to Geo. L'. Moore, the decorating ing done under the charge of Chas. Major. Sorue idea of the amount of labor on tlus room can be gained from the fact( fchat it took two men an cutiré month to lo it, and tliat over six hundred pounds of alabastine were ueed. In tüid rear of the parlors are threo card rooms, perfect models in their way. Thé first is decorated in bluegray ingrain paper, the second in tierra cotta, and the third in delicate groen. The voorns are furnished with antique oak tables and chairs. Behvi the rooms, bainboo curtains are hung. The heating of these rooms is rby small jeweiled gas stoves, each not rnnch' largor than a gallon meastire. An elevator runs from one of the rooms to the armory above, to be used when refreshments are served Onere. On tibe opposite side of the hall from ilw reception rooms is the readlng and smoking room, complete in all lts ;nrnishin.üs with large tables and easy chairs. Here, whcn arrangements are tompleted, wlll be found copies of all bhe daily and weekly papers and raany ui th' leading magaziijes and journals.Opening off of this room is a large COat room. wrll supplird with hooks. All the rooms are well lighted with ciici ríe lights, arranged so that the 3,'miils in each room can be tnrned 011 , or off by a swtch at vlie sido of tlie . room. i The members of the Infantry are ( feeünig veryr proud - proud of their or, ganlzation, proud of their new rooms. I proud of their opening reception, and j prouder still of their honorary corps.