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C. E. Letts, of Detroit, was hare, Tüesday. James T. Harrington ia doing same jobs of paimiug In Detroit. Wm. Martin took charge of the freight oïfice again last Saturday. Plsk University Jubüea Klagers are booked for here Thursday niglit of this week. There is considerable corn yet to husk about here and inany stalks to care of. A eoploufl ruin feil here lase Tuesday, wliicli was n8ded befare going into the winter. The Yillage Board is npgotiating with tlie Ulazier-Strong oil stove company to light the towu with electric lights. Preparntions are being made to bullid seven or elght good residences ia tblSplaoe duriug the wlnjber and spring. The stove factory has a new cngíne and has begun the work of building au engine house just south of the present buldings. Will Lewick moved here froin HoweJl, last week, and has bought a lot on Polk street and bcgun the work of building a house. Maj. Heñderehot, the drummer boy of the Rappahaunock, gave an entertainment to a fair house at the town hall, Monday night. Thanksgiving will bo Thursday, week af ter next and the people of this couuty have inuch to be thankful for in tlie blessings of the past year. A good audience assembled at the town hall, last Sunday night to hear O. W. Blair, of Grand Eapids, on the subject of temperance. He made an excelleni gpeech. The Good Templara have their district lodgc Iiere on Friday and Mrs. T. B. Ivuapp oï Howell,, will delivcr an address in the evening. The third Demorest Medal contest u-as hiiicl at the town hall, last Friday night, by the Juvenile Templars. It was a good succe s an ddid cieit to the jnanagers. The medal was awardüed to Miss ('ora FuUr. ïhe markets continue quite steady, the changes beiug within small range, lied wheat brings 92 ets. and white 91 cts;i rye, 83 ets; barléy, dull at $1 to $1.30; oats, nominal at 30 ets; beans, $1.25 for good stock; clover seed $i for prime; potatoes, 30 ets. ptT bush-el; apples, $1 per balrreü' aquash and cabbage, 3 to 5 ets. each Trado is pleking! up and there will be plenty of business hcre now intil after the hoüdays. O. A. WUsey, a pioneer of Iyndon died at his residonce in that township, ast Saturday, of a coinplication of discases. He ivas seventy-one years. of age and had spent most of his lifo on thc( farni wliere he died. He was a good man. and aii excellent citizen and a lai-gtö nuniber of friends and nieigubors assernbled at his late residcaice last Tuesday afternoon to pay 'lieir last tribute of respect to his miemory and lay his remains to rest in the little eemetery near where he livcd.