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Worth Looking At. "Turn to the press - its teeming sheetn survey, big with the wonders of eacli passing day." Among thesa tliü eye will pause to look at an old f;imily need in new dress. It ■will charm the sight, comfort the weary, and bring cheer and hope to the painBtrfcken. The columns of this paper are graced by its reappearance. It is welcome, for what it promises to do, it does with alacity, and proves its promise by an ampie show of performance. The right thing, in the right place, at the right time, experience has proevd it to be. Upon this it has won public confidence and esteem, for while St. Jacobs Oil, the great remody for pain, thus makes ü.i annual rounds and renews its pU'dges of prompt and permanent cure, its continual success is the guaranty thnt what it eays is true and what it does is sure. lts bost recommendation is its true reputation, upon whicli all may depend for cure and sbmfort.