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Miss Anna Delaforce is slck wlfch I hroat trouble. Mr. and Mre. C. M. Fuller visitfcd Toledo, Saturday. Mrs. Moorty was thé gucst oí her sou, Dr. Moody, last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rause visited Ann Arbor on business, Saturday. Mr. O. P. Newcoinb, of Detroit, visited Milan friends, Thursday and Priday. Editor Hawkin Band wlfe of Eaton Kapids, called on their Milan friends a few days ago. Married, October 27, Mr. A. Brudly to Addie Ivuaggs, of Milan, Eev. Mr. Yeniiiug offtcating. Miss Hattie Jacobs is liaving a Vacatipn. She closed the fall term of school in the Kedrnan district, Friday. W. Wooleott lias opened a liaruoss shoj) on River street, since the iire. He had to commence "all over uew" again. Mrs. William Huntington and children, of Columbus, Ueorgla, are the guests of Rev. J. Huntington 'and daughter, for a few ■weeks. The Baptist aid society will give the first oyster supper of the seasou at Mrs. C. M. Blackiner's residence, on Main street, Wednesday evening. Married, October 30, Mr. L. Bortles, of Milan, to Miss Ella Eddington, of Milan, at Mrs. Clinier's residence on Hui-fl street, Justice Doyle officiating. Mr. M. M. Clark, the proprietor of "Our Store," has commenced busiïxess in the Blackmer block, since the Ure. He has a íine line of goods and is ready-, to greet his old patrons. Mr. and Mrs. Needham were surprised one evening, last week,, by ïheir friends, wlio brought them -0 yards of ingrain carpet, 110 cans of fruit, & lamp, two wiiulow shades, dishes, large rocking chair, an arm cnair, a center table, and the Baptist aid society gave tln-m ten dollars in stlver, a bed stead, rag carpet, looking glass, etc. They appreciate the kind remembrances of their friemls, after their great loss by fire.