0 M ALL ) re m.anY f t'ie count1 )__but - Y less microbes wliich in DEADLr ) fest the eartb. Their destruction is great, as they fleötroy lite in thousands of human beingji annually. The only imitation to their devataton is food to feed on. They produce countloss diseases - as malaria, sccofula, eczema, cáncer, contagious Wood poison, etc., etc. The rerncdy for this small but numerous and destructive foe, is to cxpel him frora the body by the uso oí Swift's Specific. S. S. S. will route him out comp]tely, and forcé out also the poison which he has left behind. Besure to get the genuino. i'Do not let any onc put of tori you a substituto or imitation. Send for our book on the blood and skin. SAVIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga.
Swift Specific Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus