Thore is some clover seed threshing yet to do. Andrew Campbell had a barn raising, last Friday. Wheat has hardly as good a growth a& it ha'd at this time last year. S. McGonegal, of this vicinity, atteods the high school at Ann Arbor. Miss L!)llian Crippen, of Superior, will teach' the winter term of school in District No. 3, of this township. Pittsfield Union Sunday-School will have a social this Friday evening at the residencQ of W. F. Begole. Wo.k on the big marsh is not fini h d yet, by any mean. A considerable nuniber of hands are employcd by Prof. Steere and others. Hunters find a good deal of sport at present, in killing off the rabbits. Some of the farmers object to any hunting on their premisos, especially on Sunday. There is yet a good deal of corn husking to, do. Corn is but a moderate erop this season, though the amount planted was rather greater than usual. On Monday of last week, Nov. 2d, Jlr. OĆ¼ver Lester Warner, a very highly respected Citizen of Pittsfield, departed this life. His widow and four children survive him. He had always been a very active man through his whole life, but of late had been slowly declining in strength, which resulted in heart trouble. He was bron in Phelps, Ontario county, N. Y., and was seventy-seven years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Warner came to this state fifty-four years ago and settled in the township of Pittsfield, where he has carried on the profession of farming. Their golden wedding was celebrated seven years ago. Mr. Warner leaves a wide circle of friends to mourn his loss.