J. B. Laraway has erected a new poultry house. Some cornl yet to husk, but most oï the farmers are done. E. E. Leiand has been at Greenville, buying potatoes, the past two weeks. Observation social at E. E. Leland's, Friday evènïng. Come and observe. The winter term of school commenoed on Monday in District No. 7, with Vernon Hooper as teacher. It was reported that it took Zeeb Bros. one day and a hall to thrash 80 bushels oí clover saed. If the reporter wished to know the facts, it took them just eight hours. Why not report the iacts and not go to extremes? Another wreek on the T. & A. A. R. R. occurred, at this place, Friday morning. A freight train going north about 9:30 a. m., was wrecked at the :south end oí the switch. Two cars, ome loaded vyith snit and the other with lumber, and one pair of trucks muler a gondolla car were thröwn from the rails. The train was running very iast and the wrecked cars were drawn over the ties nearly 80 rods before the train was stopped. Too fast running from the switch onto the main track caused the wreek. The track was cleared about five o'clock so that trains could pass. The wreek was all cleared away about 10 p. ra. This makes the second wreek at this place in less than one week. The wreeks were only about one mile apart and wore very lucky ones as no ou was hurt.