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Drs. Fruth

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No Money Kequired of Reponslble Parties to Oommence Pormerlv of New York. now the oelebrated Exnmining Physiciims and Surgeonsof the Fruth Mecioal uiul Surffioal lustitme, Chicago, 111., by requeat of many Friends and PatlentB, huve üeeided to visit ANÜ ABBOR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, '93. Consultntion and Examinatiou frce and strictlycoufldoiitialin tho private parlors of TIKjB COOK Z3:O"CT3E, ONE DAY ONLY. D. 0. FRUTH. " A. c7 FRUTH. Celebrated Surgeon. Examining Physician, Oí the Fru+h Modical and Surgical Xastitute. Permanently established and incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and successful treatment of all forms of Chronic and ? Sexual JDüeases, Catarrh, Astlima; Stomach, Kidney, 'Bladder Nervous and Special Deseases of Men and Wormen. Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Dlseases positively cired by a Kidney and Bladder Olseases never failinjf method. Ahorne treatment enBright's Disease, Diabetes and kindred mala tirely harmlcs3and easily applied. Consultadies treated and cures effected in thousands of tion tree and strictly conndential. cases that had been pronounced bevond hope. Dr. Fruth after years of experience has Prívate Dlseases-BloodPoison, Svpyperfected the most infallible method of curing lilis. GonQrrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Hydrocele, Vital drain in Urine. Nocturnal losses, IiuVerieoeele, Loss of Sexual Power and all dispaired Memory, Weak Back, Melancholy, seasesofthe genito-urinary orrans, speedily Want of Energy, Premature decline of the and permenently cured. No risks incurred. Manly Powers, if consulled bei'ore idiocy, inConsultation free and strictly confldential. sanity, falling fits or total iuipoíency results. Medicine 6ent free froin observation to al) These terrible disorders arise from rumous parts of the United States, practicesof youth, blithing the most radiant Catarrh Cured. Catarrhal affectlons ot hopes, unütting patiënt for study, society, or the nose, throat, lung-s and stomach, bronuiarriage. Annually sweeping to an unchitis, asthma, consumption and dyspepsia. timely grave thousands of young men of suecessfully treated by the most recent and briliant intelect and exalted talent. scientific methods which a vast hospital exPiles Cured without pain, knife or perience bas proved worthy of confldence. cauiérv We desire no better proof or succes than the testimoniáis on fllo at the institute, ofthouMarriagre. Married persons or young men sands of helpless cases that we have restored contemplating marriiige, aware of pbyeicai to health and happiness. weakness, loss of procreative powers. itnFree Fxaminatinn of tho Ilrlno sPpeImiv'restore5ny dilaiíütíA%rf' SJdltrtn," speeany restorea. should send or Lring an ounee of their urine. Epilepsy positively cuied bvournewand which will receive a careful Chemical and never failing Hospital treaiment. micro6copical examiuation. WflMflrCrilT füBP? Perfcctedln old casre which have been neglectedorunekülfully treated. WUilUilftfUM UUftbi No e.xperiments or failures, Parties treated by mail and express, but where possible, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cases guaranteed. "Cases and correspondenee conndential. Treatment sentC. O. D. to any nartof the ü 8. Listot 130 questtone free. Address with poatage. ÜH. D. O. FHUÏH, 89 East Madison Street, Chicago, 111,