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NO. i w. WASHINGTON n'C Houst. isi(.;. Qmmmehi nd ''Hcsni Linter, gildinr. culoiniinnuf. maimn umi puper (iuiíyíníf. AllworkiH done in ibe u--t style aml warvanted to irlve saristatHmn. Ask my asenta for W. I. JiuuuIhn Sltoes. I not for ule in your place a.k your iraler to senri for ruf aJot;ic, secure ilie ■121'ncy, and get ilicm for jou. BTTAKE NO SUIÏSTITUTE. .MI FOR ftíiE j1 FOñt WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENÍPSWEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE M0NEÏ.1 It Ís a seamless shoe, with no tacka or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fliie caïf, styltsh and easy, and because we inake more shoes of this grade titan any other manvfacturer, ít equuls baiulsewed ahoea cofttlng from S4.oo to $5.00. (Cc 00 (enuiuc Haiul-üewed, thofincst cali Py filioe ever offered for S5.0U; equals Frcuch imported shoes which cost from $8.(10 to $12.00. CtA 0 Ilimcl-Sewed Welt Shoe, fine calf, P stylfsh, comfortablo and durable. The best shoe ever offered at th príce ; same grade as custom-made shoes costliiKT'rom -Sii.uo to $!.0(). Gt O 50 l'olice Shoe; Farmers, Rallroad 3Ten vOi and Letter Carriers all wearthem; ilneealf, seamless, sinooth iuslde. heavy three soles, extensión ede. One pair wilt wear ayear. (JE f% 50 fiue enlf ; 110 better shoe ever offered at uTfei thls price; one trial wlll conviuce those who want a shoe for comfort and service. &Q '-L' "' -00 VVorkiiiRitinn'a shoes vf-i are very Itrong and durable. Thcjse who ! have given them a trial will wear 110 other make. Í RnVc' $'-.00 and 81.75 sehool siioes are ÖUjO worn by the boys everywherc; tüeyscll ! on theTr merlts, n tho Increajdng sales show. L arSioc $3.00 Ilund-Hfwed shoe, best ] Uw VI Iv9 DongOla, vervstvlish; equalsFreuch Imported shoes costing from 84.00 to gG.(X). : l.adieN' a.50, R.00 nud 81, 75 shoe for Mlsses are the best fine Dongola. Stylishaud durable. Caiition.- See that V. L. Douglas name and price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Erockton, 3tass. WM. REINHARDT Sc CO