Additional Local
Frod C. Huson will hold an auctiou saie on his premises one and one-half miles west. of the court house, ou the north Dexter road, on Thursday, November 19. at ten o'clock, at wiiicli four horses, sevea niilch cows, seven acres of coni fodder, and a very large quantity of farniiiif; implimonts mul household goods will be sold. Pred is auctioneer. Lunch will be servecl at noon. The tícv. Dr. Duntían MacGregor, of Brooklyn, N. Y., jwho lectnres in the Baptist clnirt-h, ni'xv Tueaday eventng on "Grip and Grappïe of Great M.n aiKl Great Xations," is an orator oi more than ordinary reptitatión. The Ifew York World says ■])' fired, filled and enraptured cverybody.'" The New Tork Times ays he is "one of the most felngly maeters of rhetoric and elocutdon on the American rostrum."' The Brooklyn Eaglet saya lie is "a brilliant and finisheid orator." There will be a total eclipse oí the moon on Sunday evening, November 15, visible in this city. Mr. W. J. Hussey, the instructor in astronomy In the University, has issued a circular oí lirections for amateur astronomers, who desire to observe occultations of stars, giving a map of the moon's apparent path and the positions of the stars, a catalogue of the stars near the path and the time of the disappearance and reappearaace of the stars. The moon enters penumbra at 59 seconds after 4 o'clock, Ann Arbor local time. It enters shadow at 5 seconds after 5 o'clock. The total eclipse begins at 5 soconds; after 6 o'clock and ends at 7:25 and 49 seconds. It is pretty hard work to kill a tramp. On Tuesday evening, as the North Shore Limited train going east got about a müe froih the station, the conductor discovered a tramp on one of the platforms. He started towards him, when the tramp made a jump froin the train, which was then going at the rate of at least thirty miles an. liour. Arriving at Ypsilanti, the conductor telegraphed back the fact to the station agent here, nad he sent out men on a hand-car to bring in the tramp's remains. But the remains were not there. All that the men could discover was a hole in the gravel where the tramp had struck, and a deep furrow which he had plowed before he was uble to stop himself. Mr. G. T. Mann, formerly a dry goods merchaiu in tuis city, wiio finally wen west, and is now a United States meat inspector for the great Armour establishment at Kansas City, writcs to a friend in tliis city that the establishment givcs emp'oyment to moro than 3,000 persons in Kansas City and raus night and day. It is llghted throughout with ulectrlc lights. The company slaughtered 5,000 liogs and 2,000bOeves daily the, past weck and expect to lacrease on thls enonnous business. In Addition to tint above they carry on an extensivo manudacture of bntfcerina and oJeomorgerine. Tiuy also slaughter largo mmibcrs oí aheep and calves. At the yards oí the hous;', saveral veterinary urgeons and medical experts are employed. Cattle were never cheaper than now.