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The junior it eieren will, play the Normal Athletic Association team, on the fair grouuds, to-morrow morniug. The inter-class game between the High School and '93 law teams will ti" played on tin; campus, tuis afterno 011. The Democratie club received an autographic letter h-om Grover Cleveland, acknowledging the receipt of resolutions paeseel b.v the club receiitly. The U. of M. team, with a number of student, eave to-night for Chicago, Where tUj even plays to-mjrrow against the team of the university club of that city. W. W. Cheney, homeop; P. X. CrawfÓPd, law; and H. L. Crummer, lit; have been eiected directors of the Athletic asocia ti on to iill vacancies. Next Saturday, the ü. of M. team will gi,vö Cornell ite annual defeat at Detroit, An excursiou will be run for tha benefit of those who wish to see the game. The character impersonations of Le- land T. Powers at university Hall, Satm-day evening, furnished one of fche bestentertainments of the lecture The members of the U. of ij. rugby eleven who are at the training table show an average gain of one-half pound a day. The average weight oí the team is 184 pounds. The fires were started in the boiler house at the new hospital, Suuday. It will take several weeks to dry out the walls oï the buildings and they will probably be ready for occupancy alter the Thankgiving holldays. TOie Webster Uteráry society give a public program, Wednesday eveniflg, Xovember 18, in the law lecture room, witli the following program: Address will be delivered by Pres. A. F. iSiieldou; paper, A. Webster; oration, "A Dependent Commonwealth," J. W. Browning; satire, "A man of tiha Fulu e,'' J. G. Kral; Shakcp aian ï-eadiugs, W. J. Manny as Othello and H. D. Jewell as lago; Dincussion,."Two Views of Parnell's Life," by H. Smith and J. E. Roberts. Piano solos will be given by Miss Minnie Davis, a banjo solo by Mell Gillespie; a violin solo by Mrs. C. D. Co:oby and a cornet solo by G. P. Collins.