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Weak, Nervous Men

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rr- "j YOU, who havo been humbufcfted by the " Electric Belts," " Fellow Pufp - "V. " ferer," "Crayon," "Vacuüm," "Nervine," "Free [f y Un&lfiDADI C Cure," quacks, and who have found yourself gro-.vJ hB nUflUtlHüLE lnjr worse and worse, You, who have given up in - ■■- 1ÍS deapair, sayinp, " I am doomed; there is no hnp.3 jSf tor me;" to you I eay: CP, and SAVE YOCRSBLF! THEKK IS !!O'i tjFgJ' THEUK IS A CUBE ! No matter what you have taken or who has faU-cl Jak " t cure you, wrire me a f uil history of yoiir coge cn.tsondfopBook(free) PSP,nu'í?EÍ5! and Qoestlon Lir.í,. r% Thonsands Cured. OUWUt,wtiry L Koi;ty yers' experieBrs. Consult thi" (lid Doctor. . . All Priïate. Nervon ühfl CHHONIC liisKAKESof eitber sex skillfully aDd successfully trealxd si ij v;i n curnKiir.rantsed ín every curable CBSe. ülarried men or those nhoi.r . 1 rry. who dread their weakness or iucapacity, or whose blood is loaded MHHP with iinpr.ritiPR M'nnsmiBsible to oiïspring, should , iflHr consult 'Jw celebrated Dr. Clarke at ouce. TDCflTSiCiiT ; rjü?'"' sultation personally or by letter, free and I IlLH I nihli I entifil. Medicines sent evorywhere, secure from ' Fstabüaheil IS."1. cxposure. .Wendiy letter msy aid you and direct you toheakh. Addri-r.; DR, F. 0. CLñRKE, Merrill Block, cor.wooawert4jefls.MonA.) Detroit, Micft.