Tailor-made Overcoats!
At The Two Sams. The Largest Line of Nobby and Fine Tailor-Made Overcoats shown in the State. Eight - FÍiiíjdred - ai) ei . Fifty Fine Overcoats, Ulsters, Cape Coats, Half Ulsters, Top Coats 7? Coats, Ilood Overcoals - Kerseys, Meltons, Fur Beavers, Jjeavers, AT ALL PRlCES. CHILDREN'S -:- DEPARTMENT! OVEECOATS for the Little Ones from $1.50 to $8.00 W can save you from $1.00 to $2.00 on every Coat. SUITS. - Fine Jersey Suits in all ages, with Vests or without CHILDREN'S WOOLEN WAISTS. AT THE TWO SAMS Telephone 99. SLí "BHB'Br.'H'r B ''fay:.
The Two Sams
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
L. Blitz