-YOU WILL BE PLEÜSED WITH OUE New Designs, Good Qualities, - $4.00 Moquette and Low Prices, Rug for $2.50. OUR NEW LINE OF Is the most Complete in the City. We shall be pleased to have you examine the new designs of FÜRlVÍÍTlJlE We have put on Sale this Fall. Our Line is positively the Largest and Handsomest ever brought to Ann Arbor. Fancy Plush and Silk Covered Rockers. An immense Assortment. Prices are Lower than Ever. Fine Desks, Cabinets, Book Cases, Etc. Big Bargains in Chamber Suits, and Parlor and Dining Room Furniture. Cali on us at 56 and 58 SOUTH MAIN ST. Koch & Henne
Carpets & Floor Coverings - Retail
Koch & Henne
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Ann Arbor Argus