A Month Of Thanks Giving M Thanksgiving
Wonders Never Cease. .b, A T "" II i) I % mBtiu- a-irawMiii imm mi mi minimi "hu Another Record Breaking1 Ë m-wvr-% rm -w -- Y THE STORE A Seething, Surging Crowd Pack Our Three Floors Every Day Last Week. During the Entire Month we will Name Prices that will Startle, Surprise, Perplex and Please You. CLOAK DEPAHTMEHT. DUESS GOUDS. We have, without doubt, the largest, lightest, handsomest Cloak C AHPETö IIICL DUAFERIES. ,„. , , , , . , „ . .. Department in the State. We scarcely know where to begin or leave off in enumeratmg A few weekg we toW u we & overstocked. So enorThe success attending this the first season of this Department is the especially good thmgs we are showing in this department. In moug has been 0Ur trade last week left our stock nearly closed out. truïy magical. French and herman novelties onr stosk ia full to replehon. Our Thig ]aced ng n a iton t0 close a deal for an entire manufacturIn Ypsilanti, Whittaker, Milan, Dundee, Saline, Manchester, ChelCamels' Hair Plaids, Oriental Patterns, Coin Spots and Fancy rough ei,,g afc om. own . whch yes ug the most complete assort. UnadiUai Pinckney, Howell, Brighton, South Lyon, Hamburg and Overshot effects, f rom 5 cents to $5.50 a yard, attract marked mmt of Nev Elegant and Desirable Garments obtainable. Dexter it has already made hosts of friends and every day make8 m' Storm Serges at 65 and 85 cents. Imported Broadcloths at 85 The Fabrica of every loom of every country in Europe. Every S"1168 color8 and tterns entirely new This cents to 1.00. Bed ford Corda for 75 cents to 1.35, are yours to known animal contnbutes !ts tur for the make up of every conce.vL d T enjoy and feel thankful for this month. able eombmation, and at pnces no other concern can possibly make. "P pes" w"th $50 for $158.' Do you want something Elegant and Dressy ? "We are sole V H-i Onr 75c Tapestry Brussels reduced to 50c for this month. agents for Frederieh Arnold's Henrietta Manufactures in Germany. r-4 V. . O 40c buJs a &ood Ingrain Carpet, worth 65c. These goods are not equaled by any mannfacturer on this globe. CÖ ÍTÍS RugS f CVeiJ md and S'Ze UP t0 sclnareEvery shade and color represented in our stock. Yon would never O '$mlÈBOÊ& r name them at 50 and 75 cents. Q O -.- TTTT? A T5 1 SBk w J U In JJLli W ÜjÜiw. BlUiAGK. DUESS GOODS. t-H '19 lfc H 0 WE WANT EVEKYONE to KNOW when it comes to a w w MpÊÈÊiïm t II C3 question of Undcrwear WE ARE AT THE HEAD Silk Warp Henriettas, Silk Warp Drap du Alma, Silk Warp O mStmmm m W We are now on our second duplícate orders. Gloria, Diagonal Serges, Sebastopol Armour, Beanttz, Drap dn d r mmMmÊM M f Ladies' nice soft Vests and Pants, 25c. Murcie, Camels' Hair Cheviots, all Wool and Silk Nuns' Veiling, h T h , 1 , 01. Ladies' close-fitting Vests and Pants, cut from 75c to 50c. Louisiana Stripe and Brocade in every imaginable price and quality. H {J W Ë O A sPleudid White Merino Vest and Pants, 50c, good enough to sell 1 n ■ ; ; IpÉlMk. Ê$Ë Zj for less than $1.50. [H C ' - ''MÉAp Sole Agents for the Celebrated Ypsilanti Goods. Dr. Jaeger T5T A TSTTTTTTnC! W3 nATTTAT? TTPT? CÍ -9 S 4 ?+ and Dr. Leob's Sanitary Goods. BLA1TKETS ana &OJylJ?üJlJbit&. m - 0m Last week we advertised 300 Blankets for 58c. They all sold q H 0 GEHTS' UIGHT HOBES in 3 days, which shows the public are interested in our advertisements gg ; ■ q and are not slow to avail thcmselves of every bargain we offer ÜK 1' CD The Handsomest Line ever shown from 50c to $2.50 each. We have about 108 pair White and Natural TV ooi Blankets lett 'IIIhSÍ HB" !' at 98c, such as you pay $1.50 for. CÖ 'MbPW alP' m 250 pairs $3.25 for $2.50. M ff'w Qj A NOBBY LINE OF GENTS' FANCY FLANNEL SHIETS. 165 pairs $6.00 for $4.25. 1 J-" It will pay you to look them over. They are yours for these prices while they last. - - Money refuuded for every Cloak not fonnd better and cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. NOTIONS. FLANNELS. . , o k , . A Full Line of Shirting, White and Red Flannels made by the Amana Society. Splendid all Here is wkore you can save money. We are the only concern in the State who do not expect ghirtng Fknnel for 25C. Ladies' Pattern Skirts, 50c to $1.50. Ladies' Skirting, $1.25 to a big profit on Notions. ,.....", , ,- xr r r 1 35 a yard. Ladies', Misses', and Boys' Flannel Shirt Waist from 50c to $4.00. Pint bottles of Ammonia, 5c, worth 25c. Florida Water, 25c, worth 75c. Vasahne, 5c, L-Ó a ■" worth 10c. Koko Jelly, 16c, worth 25c. Nice Toilet Soap, 2c a ball. Cashmere Boquet, TT A TVTTM7!!17'"P ITTTTT'TT'R 15c worth 25c Kirk's Glycerine, 12c, worth 20c. Tooth Brushes, 3c and 7c, each worth 10c XlXXl J.lV.JliXvVyXlXXUX1 O. and' 15c. Shaving Brushes, Infant Brushes, Nail Brushes Clothes Brushes Hat Brushes at about Handkerchief8 made in Ireland Handkerchiefs made in Great Britain. Handkerchiefs half price. Curling Irons, all kinds 10c. A full hne of Iripl e Extract Perfumery. Ha ndkeicl "JJJ fa France. Handkerchiefs made in Germany. Hand ter. Feather Fans from 50c to $10.00. Japanese Novelties, Slumber Rolls, Cuff and Colla. ma de in JaPK6n d Scollopped Handkerchiefs. Erabroidered Handkerchiefs. UMBRELLAS. We received the entire product of one of the leading Manufacturera of Silk Umbrellas in the United States. We got them at our price and are prepared to give yon a benefit. Nothing will be We received eeapPr {m. ft Thanb9giving offering than one of these. 800 $3.50 to $4.50 Umbrellas go for $1.95. See our window display, umbrellas and covers, while you wait.
Mack & Schmid
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus