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Golden City's Boom

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Golden City's Boom.

He had been lost for about four hours, and was riding along the trail, hoping to meet somebody who could tell him the way, when he came to a house, with a settler sitting on the fence in front, says the Detroit Free Press.

"Good day," he said, pulling up along side. "Can you tell me how far it is to Golden City?"

"You're right there, stranger," was the boastful reply. "This is Golden City."

"Great Caesar, man," exclaimed the visitor, "this Golden City? Why, this isn't any town at all, and the advertisement said the population had more than doubled in the last three months, and every man in town had more than he could do.

"That's right stranger. Three months ago there wasn't anybody here but me and my wife; now, there's me and her and the triplets, stranger--and I've got all I can do to provide for family contingencies. The advertisement is the gospel truth, stranger. Won't you git down and look over some of the lots? Shan't cost you a durn cent."

The stranger invested 25 cents in a feed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus