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This illusfration shows the most fascinating parlor qr lawn game of recent jears, given as a premium with six months' Biibscription to the ANN AEBOR AKGÜS. Fiftv cents pays for the Ajtous for six months and gets the rubber tipped vacuüm arrow, gun and target. The Argus is the newsiest paper in the county. We have a few left jet, which will be given to those who send in theií ñames now. If the premium is to be sent by mail, 12 cents extra will be required to pay postage. In all parts of the connty. If your town is not represented now, you may rcceive the Argus, the premium and the necessary postage and stationery, if you will act as correspondent. The Aegus aims to give all the C'ounty netos and to be the cpunty paper par excellence. Address, THE ARGUS, ANN ARBOB, MICH.