Mij - . COHeil Take a Drop And he won't laugh so hard again uütil he has purchased a bilí oí GBOOEEIES AT Overboek i StaÉr's Who keep the Best Stock at prices which put customersin t?ood humor. 41 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Estáte ot Chauncey Hatch Millen. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ö „f Washtenaw . ss. At a seesion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the oitv of Aun . Arbor, ot Thursdaythe 12th day oí Novemuer in the year one thousaud eiKht hundred and nlnety one. Present, .(. Willard Babhitt, JuriRe of Probate ín theñiatter of the estáte of Chauncey Charles Stewart Millen executor ot the lapt TiU and testament of said deceased, comes íiito couit and repres. nts that he is now prepared to render bis final account as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday the 7tli day of December next at ten o'clock Ín _tht forenoon.beassisned for exammintr aDdallo'ftinp Buch account, and that the devlsees k;;t-e.v and heirs at law oí Batd deceased and all otlier persons interested Ín saia estáte are reqnired to appear ata session ot sair court, then to be holden at the Probate m thecityof Ann said county, .ludshov cause, if any there he, wby the said ""n Bhould not be allowed: Ana it is furthe' oí deredthatsaid exeeutor give notice tothe pi ion interesied in said eslate of thc pendeucy ot snid account and hearing thereof l-y causngacop of this order to be published in the Ann Arbo Argus, a newspaper pnnte.1 and eirenlating ID aaid county, three suceessive weckp preTious to sais dayofheariBÍ: DBABBITTi tAtmecony.) . Judgeof Piobate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Retftster.