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Bev. and Mrs. A. S. Carman, a son, Sunday. The concert at the Congregational churcli, Monday evening, was a success. Abncr Beach was sent to jail for ten days for being drunk, by Justice Butts, Thursday. The school board held lts regular meeting, Tucsday evening. No business of importance was transacted. The Ann Arbor Agricultural Co. received an order froni Seattle, Wash., Saturday, ior four of their hay presses. Prof. B. M. Thompson wfll take charge oí a Bible class of young ladies in the Sunday school of St. Andrew's church. Pretty near time to begin saving money to pay your taxes. The city treasurer will be ready to rcccive them oa Dec. lst. Herman. Knapp was fined $5.00 and costs for being drunk, by Justice Buflts, Moada.y. Not having the raoucy, Im) was seii)tito jail. John Jetter & Co. manulaetured over a ttiousand barrels oí eider this year. They ground up nearly 300 busliels of apples every day. Weather pcrinitting, the members oí the Toledo Cycle club will make a run íroiE) Adrián to this city and dine at tHe Gemianía, next Suuday. George Burns was before Justice Butts for being drunk, yesterday. He had a pass to Toledo and the justice onJy Oent him to jail ior one day. The Light Infantry club rooms will be opea for the inBpection of the public this afternoon and evening, and to-morrow afternoon and evening. The rain during the first half of the week did aot prove very profitable to our merchants, but the farmers couldn't have asked for anything better. George Stevenson has moved back to this city from Plymouth. He is the deputy state organizer of the Knights of the Maccabees for Washtenaw county. Cornelia C. White, of Ypsüanti, was inarried thirty years ago to Nathan White. Shö mow asks íor a divorce, charging hiin. with cruelty and íailure to support lier. There WÜI be a tropical social given to the Students' Christian Association, neürt Saturday evening at the Baptist church. All are cordially invited to attend. LeRoy Noble, of Pittsburg, Pa., has removed with his family to this city, occupying the residence oí the late Miss Henriques, 011 Fiíth avenue. Hon. Chas. K. Whitman has returned from his inspection oí the rail roads of the state and is now devoting himself to his law practice, spending every day. in his oflice excepting Tuesdays. The county treasurer received $2,043,66 of county funds, last month, and paid out $10,965.11 during the same time, leaving an overdraft of $36,311.04 on the first day of the month. The managers of tlie brick and tile coinpany have at last met wltB success in the manufacture of brick. The kilu turned out from the clay brought trom Lelands, promises to be cqual to the best. The Welch Relief Corps wffl give au entertainment and supper at G. A. B. hall, Thursday evening, -Nov. 19. A very interestüig program has been arranged for ie evening. Admission fifteen cents. ""Superintendent McCollum, of the A. A & Y B'y. is laid up at He didn't get his loot out of the way quite quick enough when a heavy tie feil, aad his right foot was quite badly injured. Erastus White has brought Bult for trespass against Fred Frey, highway commissioner of Lima township. The trouble is over a neV road tluit the comniifisioner is opening up and whicn Mr. White objects to. Herbert Maniy. Milton Btimson and Herman Miller Have been detaüed by the comuiaudiug offleer of the Ann Arbor Ught Infantry, oue ïor duty on the. brigade Hospital corps and the other two as company bearers. Sarah, wlfe of Lewis Laniborn, of the township oE Lodl, Died Sunday, aged 73 years and O inonths. The deccased had resided in Lodi for 30 years and was well-known. The funeral was held at the house, Tuesdny. An organization of the L. O. T. !L, (Ladies of the Maccabees,) was organized in this city, last evening, with 27 charter members. The L. O. T. M. is an auxiüiary to the K. O. T. M., and is growing rapidly in the state. An old barn on Maiden Lane, belonging to I, Aldrich, was burned, yesterday afternoon, together witU about a toa of hay. Loss about $100. The barn. was aceidentally set fire by a crowd of small boys who were playiug in it. ■ At a convention of the young peoplc of the Detroit Presbytery, held at Detroit, on Tuesday, Miss Yan Deiman, of this city, was elected one of the vice-presidents. The convention decided to pay for the seating of Tappan hall, dn this city. Rev. Camden M. Coburn, D. D., lectures before the Unity club, Monday evening, on "Afternoons with Great Men," being reminiscences of OHver Wendell Holmes and Wendell Phillips, There will also be sonie music on the piano by Miss Edith Jones. A ladies' instrumental club, under the directioa of Prof. Henry Haug, is the latest organization'in Ann Arbor. The membera are the Misses May Wilsey, Bertina Bliss, May Bowen, Hattie Long and Alta Parker, guitars; Anna Wilscy, banjo; Mamle Hiñes, mandolín. At the last meeting oí tlie Young Men's Society, of Zion's Lutheran church, the lollowing officers were elected: President, Rev. Max Hein; vice-president Christian Stoll; secrctary, L. Boes; treasurer, ('liarlos Steeb; collectors, Fred Woll and Herman Stoll.- Daily Times. On Saturday and Sunday, November 21 and 22, Prof. Burnham, of Colgate University, will glve a series ot lectures and Bible readings on Isaiah, in Newberry Hall under the auspices of the Students' Christian Association. Annouucement of the entire program will be made later. The High School rugby team defeated the Normal athletic tissociatioii team by, a score of 18 to 0, Saturday atternoon. Only the first half was played, the Normáis leaving the field because the referee woulil not rule Baird off the field for slugging, alI though they acknowledged it was not intentional. The auetion sale of James .T, Watkins iu the town of (irccii Oak, one and one-half milos west of Whltmore Lako, has been. adjourned until next week Tueaday, November 17, at 9 a. in. Amoug the things to be sold are nine houses, seventy Bheop and a large quantity of fanning implimenta. Hcnry J. Pinekney is auetiouerr. James Caramella, the Italian fruit vender ou Huron street, was carrested, Wcdnesday, under the city ordinance íor occupying too mucli oí the side walk in front of nis store. Marshal Murray gave him notice to move boxee, but. Qie did not do it. He picad guilty before Justice Pond, yesterday, and was fined $1.00 and costa amounting to $2.95. Th Aim Arbor Ceiery Co. has been rganizied with $20,000 capital stock, Qield by the following persons: Homer L. Btewart, Tecumseh; Joseph B. Steere and B. J. Conrad, Ann Arbor; tPred P. Shell and Daniel E. Swetzer, Kansas City; Chas. H. Kuehne, ot Ann Arbor; Gteorge G. Palrham, St. ■Louis; Chas. A. Huma, W. J. Herdman, días. E. Gi-eenc and N. W. Cheever, of Ann Arbor. The Inspector-General of the State ïroops has detaüed Captain Edward Dupont, of Company D, 4th Infantry, to inspect the Ann Arbor Light Infantry as his representative. The ingpection of the company wlll take place at tlie armory on Tueeday evening, Nov. 17, aud every meniber has been ordered to be present at 7:30 in fu'l state dress. Miss Mildred Moore, of Niágara Falls, N. Y., died in this city, on W. Huron street, on Sunday, of heart failure, agcd 19 years. The young lady came here about three weeks ago for medical treatment, but gradually failed. She was t!ie daughter of 1'. 1!. Moorc, a traveling man, who took her remains homj for interment, Tuesday evening.