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GRAND OPERA HOUSE Monday E ve., Nov. 16 MR. GUS THOMAS' SUCCESSFUL COMEDY DRAMA THB GREATEST OF AMERICAN PLAYS ! AS PRODCCED AT THE MÁDISON SQUARE THEATRE, NEW YORK, THE : BURGLAR. A Drama of interminpled Lauhter and Tears. Presented wïth a Great Cast of Popular Players. Prices, 35, 50, and 75 Cts. HeBerved Seats on Sale at P. O. News Stand. Mesmeric Mysteries MASTEE WILLÜEQ IIï, Jr. The Wondert ui Mesmerist Aged 14 Years. Master Mckay has made more subjects than any other Mesmerist living in the time he has been before the public. The medical profession are cordially invited to test this science. Uon't fail to see this boy as you may not get the chance again as his tour in this country is limited. GROE OPERA HOÏÏSE. Friday and Saturday Nights. Adinissioii, 25, 35 and 5O Cents Reserved Seats at P. O. News Stand. AUCTI01TEEIL7 Charles Kingsley, Live stock aud general auctioneer. Tweoty years' experience in Oakland County. Keferences given, if desired. TEEMS REASONABLE. Address me or leare word at my house. 4H S. UN1VERSITY AVENl'E, ANN ARBOR, MICH.