Special Sale G LO AKS I FOK LADIES, M1SSES AND CHILDREN. Shapely, Stylish Garments. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. i i ñ u Ladies' Jackets, $4.00, $5.00, $7.50, $9.00, and $10.00. Ladies' Capes, $10.00, $12.00, $14.00, and $18.00. Misses' Jackets, $3.50, $4.50, $G.OO and $8.00. Misses' Newmarkets, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 to $15.00. Fur-trimmed Coats a Specialty. SCHAIRER & MILLEN Leaders of Low Prices and Always the Cheapest. OEALEES IN JiüGsliriJáüGHsw1 RraSin Hair Clippers, Brown & Sharp - $3-5 Horse " " '' " - 3-OO Cream Shaving Soap - - - .10 Horse Tails Strops, genuiue - 35 and 85 Tuikih Cosmetic - - .15 Water Hones - - - 50 to 1.00 Germán Yellow Hones - - 50 to 2.50 Razors (Hamnier Brand) - 1.25 and 1.50 Mug with Cream Soap - - - .25 MANN BROS., 39 S. Main Street, - Ann Arbor, Mich: HSTEAT FIKIS HavinK bougrht the wond yard and feed busitiCBS of George H Hazelwood, 1 propose to keep W00D OF ALL KINDS Kindling Woed. Balea Hay and Straw, Flour and Feed of the best q'jallty, Charcoal, etc. Good9 deliven d to uny part of the city. CASH PAID FOR CORN and OATS Theflrmwül continue the truck business of C'. H..Joni-s ns lieioro. Urdera ly teiephone piomptlv aitemlud to. C. Clark, 33 East Hurón St. Telephooeli. Oue iloor west of Firemen's Huil. Health is Wealth! j NE.uv j ËnAl N lm E. C.'s NBEVB nii Hu vin ThrbaTmkm, a guaranteed speciflc lor Hysteria. Dizzines?. ''onvnlsions. Kits, Nevvous Neuralgia, Ëeadache, Nervous Prostration eauBed hy tho use of alcohol ortobaooó, Wakefulness, Mental Üeprceálon, Sofieolog of the Iïrain resultinjr m i s;inii mi.l leadiog to misory, deoay and dpuih. Prumnture iul Age, Barrenneea, Loss oí in il her c.v. [nvoluntary Loeses iiid Speinm;orrlit a Ciiiist'd over-exertion of the bral", .-ir-Htiuse or over-inJularence. Each iox eonirthf une month's treutment. fl.ii hox. oritx hixe tor tj.00, sent by mail prei '■ om !■■■: -ii i prioe'. WKCUAKANTEESIX BOXES Tocure any oase. With eacb order iteelved hy iis loT.-ix boxea accompaniod with $5.00, we will send the puronaser our writti d to refund Üie money lf the treatmenl d ioI effec a cure. Gua' ! ■ u EDberbsoh & Sou. Arbor.Mich. WK v . j me above reward for any case of Liver (.,'oraplaint, Dyspepsla, Bfok II.'adacho, Indigestión, Constlpation or Costiveness we cannot cure witli VVeStV Veiretable Liver l'ills, when the direotlons are Btric tly oomplied with. Ttaey are purely Vegetable, and m-ver fail to glve satisiaotion . 8ugarCoted. Larjrc hoxes, eontsi mug 80 PUI, 25 ceuts Beware of counterfeite and imitmions. The Kenuin(3 manufaoturee only by TBB JOHN C. WEST COMI PANÏ , CHICAGO, 1LL For Bale by all drug1 gists.