Death Of John H. Warner
John H. Warner's sad and unoxpcct ed death, which came at an early hour last Saturday inorning, was preeedec by but a few hours of paiuful suffering. Ou Tusday he was about as usual; Wedncsday found liini not leeling very wcll, as Is so cominon with us all; Thursday he was compelled to reinain in bed, where hc rapidly grew worse until two o'clock Saturday morning wheou the hand of death called hiru home. He was born in York township September 15, 1854, since which time he hasbeen a constant resident of Waehbenaw county, most of his latter years having been spent in Saline, a portion of which time he was more or less connected with the Saline Exchange. At thq age of 20 he sought a home of his own and on May 26, 1874, was married to Miss Alice L. Reeves, who has since been a most efficiënt and faithful conipanion. Two sons was the result of their marriage, the younger of which died at the age of eighteen months. Mr. Warner, who was a firm believer in the Universalist faith, had expressed a desire that his funeral be condúoted according to that faith and agreeably to his wishes, the obsequies were held at the home of liis parents, Sunday afternoon. Kev. Case, of Manchester, conducted the services in a very able and pleasing manner, after which the remaina were buxled in the Mooreville cemetery. A wife and one son vive
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
John H. Warner
Alice L. Reeves
Saline Michigan