South Or West?
llaiiy who live in the interior towns and villages have the notioii that to buy railroad tickets to iar Uistant pöints, it is neeessary to go to the Iarger cities. Others, that"by sume chance or design they may, by going off from home somewhere and flrst paying local íarc to this somewhere or other, they'.will be able to save something in the price. Now in all other ausiness mattere yuo will rather deal With it home and with whom you have acquaintance and in whom you have conf;denc;'. Buying railroad tickets is business. The trip may be pleasure- full of pleasure- but the purchase is business. It is more than ikely, therefore, ii you will only try, that you can buy just as satisfactorily and certaiuly as ec-onoinically at your nearest station. The agent may' not lave the particular ticket you want but if you will allow him a day or so he will get it, reading from your station through to where you are going. This is the niethod on the Chiago & West Michigan and also on the Detroit, Lansing & Northern. If t so happens that you who read this ind it inconvenient to reach the agent drop him; a note of inquiry; or, write tating yuor proposed trip, to Yours very truly, GEO. DE HAVEN, General Passenger Agent, Grand Rapids. First Moth- What do you think we have for breakfast? A brand new dress suit. Second Moth- You'll liare to excuse me. I touch a dress suit until aíter eundown.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus