GRANDMA says it is 20 yeí.rs since she made such good bread as this. She says GlLLETT'S MAGEC YEAST is likethe yeastshe used to make herself, and she hopes she will never have to do without it again ; and we all hope so, too. Cali for t at your Grocer's. It s always good and always ready. E. E. BEAL. GEO. H. POND. BE AL & POiD (Successors 10 A. OeForest.) taaie Apncy ! RepregouUng Only Fire Insurnaco, Pinto Glb! Insnranoei Lowest Ilutes, fíonovHble Adju3tmert and Losses L'iviuptly Paid. rhe patronag-e of our Frionds and the Public g-enerally is solicitad. Office In the Courier '
Beal & Pond
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
E. E. Beal
George H. Pond
Courier Building