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Here's A New Device

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"Did you ever hear of a woman wearing cotton balls in her mouth to prevent her cheeks from appearing j sunken P" asked a State street dntist j of a Chicago Herald reporter. "I j have such a customer, " he continued. j "She carne to seo me recently. She is rather handsome, very stylish, and her home is a Prairie avenue palace. She said she wore cotton balls in her mouth to even out her cheeks, which showed a slight tendency to depression; that thouarh she had used them for four years her husband had not discovered them; that she carried them especially for his benefit. The loose cotton balis became annoying at times and she gave me an order for two teeth, one on either side of the upper jaw, and , asked me to build a bulge on each to take the place of those cotton balls as cheek-swellers. She had only one looth missing, so she had me pull a sound tooth opposite it to make a place from which to build out this cheek bulger. I tooit the impreggion for the teeth and the measure for the swellers on the side. The cheek-distenders I made of the same material as the frame in which the teeth were set. "When she came in to gret her teeth she removed the cotton balls and her cheeks wore so sunken that even a casual observer would have callea her thin-featured. "When she put in the amended j teeth she became full faced and the former sunken cheeks showed pretty dimples when she smiled. I was astounded at the marvekms change. It was almost great enough to be called a disguise. I am proud of that work. I begin to think that I am the restorer of youth, the effacer of the footprints of sharp-toed Time and the reinstater of beauty once admired, though no one but a woman would have ever thought of thus changing a sunken cheek into a swelling tenting ground for dimoles.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News