Aluminum In Pianos
The rapidity with which a, new metal is applied to purposes hitherto undreamed of is peculiarly characterÍ8tic of our times. Amons the latest enidences of its progress is the use of aluminum in the construction of soundboards for stringed musical instruments. It has been found to possess a latent quality, so it is asserted. which makes it hig-hly valuable for this purpose, the ■metallic" tones pi'oduced by tho use of othor metáis boing conspicuously abst, and it possesses an elasticity capable of sympathetlc vibration uniformly through a wide range of tone pitch, which renders it in this respect superior to wood. A piano-making firm in Now York is now making a piano with an alumiDum sounding-board in order to test he practical worth of the discovery.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News