Here Was A Man
The young man had beon with the party some time, and he iinally rose to go. The others vetoed the proposition. "O, sit down!" cried one. "What do you waut to break up tho party for?" asked another. "Be a good fêüow," said a third. Now that "Be a good fellow- well. every man knowa what that means. Every man has done something he did not want to do and ought not to have done for fear some one might think he was not a "good fellow." The young man hesltated. "No;Iguess I had bettergo."he said at last "Nonsense! It's early yet," protested one. "Sit down! Sit down! We'll all bo home before 12," added another. The young man sat down. rested his arms on the table, and said: "Well, I'll submit the case to you. You are talking of going to tho theatre, or having a game of cards at the club, and you want me to be one of the party. Now, in a cozy little flat on the North Side there's a little woman " "Chlldren sick?" put in one of tho party. "No; there's only one, and he's in good health. "Wife sick?" "No." "O, well-" "Wait a minute." interrupted the young man. 'I'l1 leave it to you, but you must hear the case. This little woman is alone in tho Üat. The baby ia inbed, and the is sittingthere reading or sewing and listening to the steps of those passing the house. I left home at 9 o'clock this morning and since then she has been alone with the baby. Now she hasn't even tbe baby to occupy her time." He paused a moment to give them an opportunity to speak, but no one said a word. Then he said: "Boys, if you think you want my i company to-night more than she does I I'll stay." There was another pause, then one of the party took a sip of champagne and said: "I'd rather you'd go home." The others nodded their assent and the young man said: 'Td rather go." It was some time later in the evening when one of the members of the party said: "There's a man." And every one knew whom he ferred to.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News