Nearly evcry pattern of 3,k Horse Blanket is imftated n color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as goed as the genuine, but it has.'it fw ivarp threeds, and so lacks strengtn.and while it sclls for onlya titilo less than the genuine it sn'tworth ono-half asmuch. The fact ihat V vov s;1 Blankets yo copicd is i?;ronfr evidence tliat thcy ave THE STANDARD, and buyer should see tliat the -r trade marl: is sewed on 1:he inside of the Blanket. 5 'S i Five W3üo i1 Boss i ï 0 'fs Etcctric ƒ rapg, Exira Test es1 8 Baker1 HO1SE ILftilETS TH" CT753'. 'CST. 100 5. A CTYL.;C3 at pnces to :-u:t everyhody. If you can't fct theni frora your dealer, write i;s. Ask ibr the5,k BooU. Vou (et it v ;t';iout ciiarm;. WM, AYRE3 & SONS. Philadelphia. TES E H FRUIT MM. Pears and Grapes a Specialty Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers Front Ellwanger & Barry. Order Early by Mail. SYKUPS, MEDICINAL WINES KASPBEBRT SYRUPS, BONESET., DANDELION AND OTHER DOMESTIC GRAPE WINES Propared Especially for Invalido. {" Pure Plymouth Koek Eggs.J E. BAUR. West Hnron St. I