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Furniture, Carpets, Draperies!

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xVJ. -MARTIN HALLBR'S. 54 S. Main and 4 "West JLiberty Sts., Aun Arbor, Mich. You have sorne furnishing to do this fall. It may be a whole house, it may be a single room, orit may be that you need only a single piece of Furniture. I am prepared to show you such an assortment of goods that I know you can find just what you want. Having recently returned from the great Furniture Centers, CHICAGO, and GRAND RAPIDS, where I have made careful selections of the latest designs and novelties from the best manufacturers, I am convinced that I can gratify your wants, and give you a chance to select from a stock that is equal to the best in Detroit or Toledo, with the exception that I have not put fancy prices on the goods. CARPETS: I am not the only carpet dealer in the city, but I think I can show a line of samples that will enable you to find just the styles that suit you. I know that prices will. Splendid patterns in Chenille, Lace and Silk Curtains. Give me a chance to show you what I have and you will not regret it. Very respectfully, MARTIN HALLER.