Fruit Growing In Washtenaw
Hon. J. Ausíin Scott presided over the November meeting. Mr. B. J. Conrad, chairman of the comniittee 011 transportation, recomrnended that the bilis presented by Mr. J. C. Schenk at the last meeting be paid. Ik' had returned era tes f or the shippers at the cheap rate of a penny apiece, willen is by ïar the cheapest way, and did not succeed in collecting these dues and would rather pay them out of his own pocket. If his time was worth anything, the expense would be considerable. Mr. Schenk st&ted that lic had lost eight bushels of peaches in Detroit and very llkely many others. He was in favor of an agent at Detroit who would spe to Uie distribution: of the fruit trom the Anu Arbor fruit car. Without such an agency auybody could help himselï to fruit from our car. A resolution was passed to collect ome centi per bushei of berries shipped by the Ann Arbor fruit car, and Mr. L. Gruner, 8 S. Main St., was uiianimously requested to receive these dues by the shippers, who are respectfully requested to attend to the payment oí this small tax at once, at Mr. Gruner's shoe store. Our bist market for fruit was discussed. For berries Detroit was mentioitcd aa goqé enough witli exceptioa of the return of berry boxes. Detroit eommission men should instruct their customers to return the urates with the boxes not nusted. Mr. J. Parshall and Wm. McCreery, principal peach and apple growers, did better by shipping fruit to northcrn cities. The Detroit market was considered the poorest for peachea Jind pears., The employmcnt of an agent tor the sale of Ann Arbor fruit had as many advocates as opponents. Mr. A. A. Crozier was in favor of an advisory agent. Mr. S .Mills, the veteran fruit grower, stated that he didí better by shipiiing berries to Sagiuaw and Bay City. Every basket was promptly returned, Avhilc from Detroit he hardly got any baskets returned. Those returned from therc were nestcd when wet, aud eonscquently wortliless. Detroit was the meanest place to return baskets. The question of markets was referred to the committec on transportation, to report at ncxt meeting. A rccess oí ton minutes was taken to examine the large exhhibit of fruits and flowers. , ïhe question: "Is fruit and vegetable growiug overdone in this county," was eonsidcrably discussed. No vegetable growers being present, tlie fruit growers generalij' -w-ere of the opinión, that the growing of choice fruit was not overdone. Some very intelligent strangers of striking physiognoniies were present. We could only learn the name of Mri Clougli, of Lake Superior, who, if lie should clioose our city as his place of residence, would be most welcoine by this society. A vote of thanks was tendered to Florist Toms, who exhibited 16 varieties of Chrysantheniurns. He lias at his greenhouse, 07 varieties of tliis favorite flower of the Mikado. Mr. J. Austin. Seott liad the finest exhibit of apples:Jonathan, Baldwin, Greening, King, Austin, Spafford, Russet, Swar, Bellflower, Belmont, Ladies' Sweeting, Ben Davis, Talnian Sweeting, Hubbardston, Vivar and Wliite Dogenne pears. ïhe Austiu apple was pronouuced the finest of the season. It is a sub-acid, late lall and early winter variety of the finest (layor. Mr. Scott, the originator of this apple, wliich is also perfuet in form and color( i tlworthy of the name of a biMiiefiactor. ïhe apple was named after him by the president oi the American l'omol'ogical Í Society, Marshall P. Wilder. Mr. W. F. Bird had the laigest and finest exliibit of grapes: the Niágara, Brighton, Concord, Agawam, Lindlej', Amber Queen, Mills, Merrimac, Ulster, Duchftss; nine varieties of pears, and one of apples. E. Baur kad uiue varieties of pears, six of apples and two of quinces. The exhibit was one of the finest of this season. It is especially useful as a ni educa tor for young pomologists a-nd for the fruit consumer in general.