Some Good Bargains. The following articles, wliich are all in good conditiön, will be sold at less than half their original cost - viz.: One top buggy, one (vutter, onefeed cutter, two sets single harness, and one Garland coal stove as good as new. Inquire at the Argus office, or cali at No. 50 South State street. Grand Opera House Wednesday Evening-, Nov. 18 HEARTSoMWYOBK This p'ay comes ivell rectfinmondod and is thoroughly identiflbd with the inanj' successcs of its author. J". T. McGL 'DSiS E'S" I Comedy, Pathos, Intoresttng Bpeolalties. Prices, - 85, 5O a:id 75 Cts. Scats un sale at P. O. News Stand. Lstate of Samuel Crossman. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw, ss. At u sessiou ol' the Probate Court, tor the County of Washtouaw, holden t the Probate Office in tlie City of Aun Arbor, on Friday, the 13th duy of November in the year ono thousanci eight bundrcd and ninety-one. Present, J. WUlard fiabbitt, Judjie of Probate. In the matter of iho eslate of Samuel Cros8man. deceased. Daniel L Crossinaa, the administiator of said estáte, comes into court aï'i representa that he is now prepnred to rendtr nis final account as sucli administrator. Thereupon it is ordered. that Monday, the seveuth duy of December uext.ittlü u clock in the fqrenoon, be assigned ïor the hearing of said pctitioi), and that the heirs at law of said decensed, and all otlier persous interestud in suid estnte, are requiied to apienr at a sespion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Olfice, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show on use, if any there be, why the said account should not be alloweil. And it in further ordered that suid ndmiaistriuor -ive1 notiep to the persons iuterested In Baid estáte, of the pendenev of said account, and the liearint; tliereof, by Cfinslng n coiiy of this order to be published In the Ann Arbor Argrus. n newspaper printed uid ch'uulattng in said mmty, three successivr weeks previous to eaiu day óf hearing. J. WJLI.AKD HAIUÜTT. of Probate. IA rrue oopy x Wm.G. 1)tv, Probale Itejfiptor. It Is NEW and GREAT. Blaine or Cleveland ? A boautifnl and very artlstlc statuette (fnll length) ■ f Biainc, Cleveland, Harrtson.McKinley.Whítney, flOTf er, lUisk, Jerry Simpson, Senator Peffer, Gens. irant, Sheridan or Sherman, Abraham Lincoln or George Washington. Any one of the above deveredto yon forone dollar. The figure and base makes a piece ten inches in height. Send money or Postal Note. Thebeatthlngforagents. Thousands Uoing BOld daily. Canvassing outfit free. Address ITHO. 8TATUBTTB OFFICE,' Boom No. 10, 80 Dearborn St., Chicago, m.