The Ann Arbor Press Club
The Arm Arbor Press club was formed last Friday afternoon, at a meeting of all the editors in the city, heicl in the Argus office, t-o make arrangements to entertain the State Press association, whieh holds its annual meeting here in January. As all the editors were present it was lEcided to orgnnizo a permanent club, whieh will meet on the first Friday of each month in the office of S. A. Moran, of the Register. The following officers were elected: president, S. W. Beakes, oí the Arg-us; vice-president, Miss Emma Bower, of the Democrat; secretary, George H. Snow, of the Regietor; trensurer, J. E. IJeal of the Courier; executive committee, Fned C. Brown, of the Times; George H. Pond, of the Ccrarier; and I. J. Liesimer, oí lie Post. The executiye committee of the State Prees association wene invitcd to meet iu Aan Arbor. J. E. Be'al, S. W. Beákes and L. J. Leisemer were (1 a committee on finance to raise the iunds to entertain the istate as: o ::ution. Tli ■ piv.-iü -ut w..s autlior rized to appoint committees on entertainment and programme, accommodations, carriagee and banquet. The citizene ui ïpailantl were invitcd to co-opi-iaii' vit!i the club in entertalning llii' Kiicsts aml the as-sigiimcnt of onc dny dl' the meetdiig to YpsHanti, met wlth a favorable reception. Tin.' meeting of the state association bere wiH greatly advertise the city throughou-t the state