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The Lecture Of Rev. Dr. Macgrecor

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Bev. Dr. Duncoa Mac Gregor, oí Phildo'.phiu, was greeted in the Baptist ehureh, last Tuesüay, by au attentive and highly interested audiencc. He Is a speaker of good physique, well modulatcd voice, easy marnier and powerful tones for eiuphatic passages. Life is a struggíe, said Dr. Mac Gregor, every day and every where a Btraggle. One has seareely crossod the threshoid of this busy world beíore he encounters difficu'.ties. Paradisu is always in advance. Struggles rnldifi ui ie ; d-veljp ttrcngth. Whit is it gives acuteness to a student -s brain but the difficulties in the problems he solves'? What crowns all huccess but the difficulties conquered? Men do not fail because fchey have not sufficient power. Everything about us is charged and surcharged with powe,'. Mtn fai' because they fail to use their powers. The great secret of all success is in harnessingo ones power. We waste more power thaa e use. It is the fretting, the torrying, the chaiing, the fiiction which wears out men. Give me a harness and I'll find power enough in a sunbeam to drive all our energies. As with individuals, so with nations. Difficulties stand in the way of a nation's development. Those which have undortaken to conquer difficulties lcad in the mighty race of civilization. Look at Spain, gloomy, indolent, lazy Spain, unwilllng to conquer tJie difficultles in her way. Again and again have go'.don opportunities been hers if shc had only availed herself of them. S!n% i.s a land richly endued with possibilH ii'-, mild summers, gi atle winters, t li land o!' ïU1 and satin, of tho O: ange and aUnond, a land of glorious possibüities. To-day with tewer railroads, telegraph wires and the other ii.iü ■'■Mi"iits of civilization. Took nt China, the oldest in the sisu-rliood of nations. She is a and oí beauty. And to find her secret tronsui-es. you must rido through fathoma of darkness. To-day if an enrthquakc wero to sink her beneath the oeean, what would science miss, what would commerce miss? Wil li those nations the speaker contrast i-d Kng'and, the land of the acholar, the motherhood of advaucement and civilization. She has stood on tip toe at the very gateway.waiting for th? newest, best patterns. She bas been wüling to pay the price of her patterns and there has been an ever improving eiviüzation. He traced ii gïowing terms her rise from Paganism, whiere only a faint light of civilization glimmered in the hands of the missionaryy of the Cross, and attributed her rise to the IMMc, the Magna Charta of human rights, tlie very touchstone of Mberty, trnnslated into a language that sveryone couUl read. So i America, Her fiist bom, great. For what is Neptune to the team ship, what is Minerva to the printlng press, wliat is Mercury to the telegraph and what ís Júpiter to a firstclass Wblverine? America hasn't even taken her hands away from the crib rail yet. Many a one 'hae said, "Oh, if I liad on'y had a few points, I would havo eueceeded." No one need go without points. Your neighbors wül givo you all the points you want. Many will even crowd them on you. In the lörge cities you will iind kundrod sof young men altting on rurbstones waiting for someühing to turn np. It is to the young man wlth oyes opon that something turns up. The speaker gave numerous instanees oL great success from most obscuro beginDángs, paying a most eloquent tributo to Abraham Lincoln. He spoke of inspiration as a source of success; of great crises developing men of ahnost superhuman strenuth and of the need of high ideáis and pure charactler. The lecture was one willen all young men might well have listened to.