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The Normal ohrollment lias reachéd 817. The Salera school hous ebag been repaiuted white. Rev. Mr. Bartlett, of Saline, te niakng a lecturing tour. The Clinton woolen milis has ;i pay roll of $5,000 a ïnonth. , Andrc.w Boyce is now living in his new house in Stockbridge. Martty opena an elegant drug store in Manchester, December 1. Rabbitts are abundant and hunters groatly annoy the farmers. Fred H. Baker, of Boston, is again poultry packing in Manchestor. Grass Lake has a new earriagc shop. Now just hear her crow. The J.V. C. T. ü. of South Lyon, have just initiated six new members. Hebron Fellows is the last fellow near Manchester to get a pension. Miss Mary Schaffer is teaching the winter term of school at River Raisin. Clinton store keepers no longer keep open late hours. They close at 7:30, A number of fields around Waterloo yielded 70 bushels of corn to the acre. The Cherry Hill Sunday school will hereafter meet at a quarter past one. George Da vis will build a house in C'liolsea adjoining the L'utUoran church. The Manchester masons had a rery enjoyable and soeial time, Friday evening. i Capt. Edgar, of the Goodyear house. Manchester, haa patented a refrigerator. A chimney sweep swooped down upon Manchester, last week, broom in hand. t Hcnry Snowbail, of Whittaker, üas been Investing in more land in Augusta. Grass Lake is in the raarket for a etreet-lamp Hghter. Don't all speak at once. Miss Luey Buren, of Sharon, is teaching in the Zimmerrmn district, Manchester. The Chelscaites will celébrate Ctartstmas with electric lights on their streets. Tlirnm I,ie;htlia1! lias been nalcinï lmprovements in liis pOanlng mili in Chelsea. Andrew Braun has leassd the iarm r' his mother, Mrs. Jacob Braun, in Freedom. Manchester has a new taüor, a recent importation from Detroit. He 7;iidi 110 duty. ," T, F. Wellworid. of Manchester, reporta 34 bnshels of clover seed from twelve acres. The Bacred Chinese chickens have arrived at Ypsilanti. They are rfeyal pnrple in color. The new South Lyon mil] began shipping flour, last week. Flint ■ bou.srht the first lot. Saline has invested a little over $275 in suppfties for its re departmnt. principally hose. Thore aro, $30 hung un in the shnpe of prizes for the Normal students who ■svritc' the best essays on athleties. Chas. N. Howe been clected clerk of Saline, to fill the vaeancy oaused by tin' rleath of Tl. Kelby. WilHam Bortko. of Milwankee, Wis., Is Sharon's latest acquisition. He hss jus) njoved thcre with his family. The. Congregational ehurch in Grass Lake intends purchasing a parsonage, mnch to the rvleasure of the pastor. What won't be stolen next? Two doors were stolen irom the house of John Lawson, in Whittaker, recently. Jas. Bachman, of Chelaea, evaporated 35,000 pounds of fruit this year. He had nearly two carloads of apple cor 8. A ohieken pie social was givcn by the young poople of the Saline Baptist ehurch, at J. N. Cross', "Wcdnesrlay night. The tax in Chelsea this year is $13.20 ott a $1,000, an incroase of $4.15 ■over last year. The school tax alone ás $8.70. :L. S. Hulbert, of Shairon, is bound to keep up wltb the procession. He lias built a barn and a poreh to his house, this season. The cliicken roost of B. W. Fuller, of Augusta, was robbed of a of chickens which were lx'ing fatteneÖ for Thanksgiving. Eev. Geo. P. Wright jrcached in thf Manchester Baptist church last Sunday and his hearers were impressed wlth the idea of doing right. Thcre is a white coon in Manches ut. It i.s in the windows of a feather renovator aud shows how white the. feathers are after being renovated. Eleven ímnters passed through Whittakcr, one day last week, and the farmers are still posting up signs, '"No' ehooting allowcd on theac premises. " Wjlliam, of Manchester, sent a lot of ewes to Jerusalem, last week. This is not a slang expression. It was to Jemsalem, Ohio, he shipped them. There were sixty graduates at Cteary's business college. Wednesday. Ex-Governor Luce addressed the class but said nothing of his senatorial aspirations. Iwo American flags, imported f rom {Trance, grace the Normal Library, and f the Ypnilantinn praises the donor. Smitihe & Osband may become free traders yet. W. A. McAndrew, an Tpsilantl boy aml1 a gradúate of the University, is now passenger agent of the Great Northern R. R., -vvith headquarters at St. Paul. The county teachers' association meet in Ypsilanti, December 4 nnd 5. Manchester coutributes a solo by Miss Anna Gieske and Word Analysis by Miss JuWa Conklin. Henry Schulte ,of Sharon lost a tow last week. The cow had an appetlte for apples and tried to make a hog of herself. She choked in tackling too lairge an apple. The store of Mr. Hopson, in Stony Creek, Bias been burglarized by thieves who stoe chewing gum, candy, cigars, a shirt and some stockings. The luxuries weie taken first. Norman Ide, while drawing corn stalks in Manchester, for Anson Gage, the other day, feil off the load and broke his right arm. I'de gage the distance better, were I him. The Manchester postoffice doses at teven o'clock in th evening, nowadays, and the postmaster has an opportunlty of reading the Enterprise and Argus in the bosom of his family. The Enterprise is authority for the statement that saven different kinds of illuininatmg oils ar:1 sold in Manchester, which may account for the brillianey with which the Enterprise shlnes. The literary society of the Manchester school acted a farce last Monday niglit, eutitled "Wifle Enough for Two." Alniost any cliair is wlde enough for two, providing the gender is right. Joeeph Lueking, who lived in Ypsilanti for the past thirty-three years, died Sunday moruing, aged sixty nine years. For over a quarter oí a century he ran a meat market in Ypgilanti. Partridges in Sharon are learnlng bad habits. O'ne attempted to burgOajie the liouse of C. X. KendalL Iti flew through the window breaking theglass but suffering no injury itsel?. , Ib was caught. WillLs is to have a new barber shop. a new harness establishment and a new shoe shop. The lumber i-s on hand to build the naw quarters. WiiLi is there who dares question the growth of WillLs? George H. Hammond, of Detroit, bought the house of the late S. T. Keith, of Ypsilanti, at auction, last Saturday afternoon. Thát evening the house caught firr from the chimney and was damaged $1,000. The South Lyon councilmen seem to be getting etravaganxt. They instructed a committee to buy a stove for the councW room, providing it could get one for $2.50. After some dickering the committee found tne stove and the $2.50 was voteil. The fastest titno ever made on the Michigan Central betweeu Chicago and Detroit was made Sunday, Nov. G, the 24G miles being covered in 6 hours and 10 minutes, including 27 minutes fop stops. The train just whizzed Aturough this eounty. The maiii excitement in CUnton is over the new gallery in the town hall. It was such a novelty that peoplt could hardly b._lievc it could stand, till tliirty mea got up in it and jumped wlth aü their might. Clinton is now satisfied that 500 men couldn't break it down. The authorities of the Ypsilant.i branch of the Lake Shore are being petitioned to put another train on thcir road, so people along their line can come to the city and return the same day. The authorities should consider that they scare very few horses uow, lor they don't run often enough. In digging a well on Itobert Gret-n's farm, southwest of town, a few days ago, they struek dirt with bright yellow partic'es in it which resemble gold. They brought some of it to town and 15. W: Amvsden tried acid on it and .afterwards tried to melt it on charcoal, but it was so fine that he could not hold it. Those farms are rieh euough vithout a gold mine. - Manchester Enterprise . There are men in Milán who would like to brak the Record, and they would, too, if they could catch him. Last week Weduesday a man put up at Rice s hotel and registcred as C. A. Record. He seemed to be a man of very genial habits, and one with whom his friends could beeome intimately acquainted and trusted for he borrowed. ten dollars of J. K. Yesceüus, run up bilis at each of the saloons, and on Sunday morning he borrowed Frank Acker's gun and went out into the cold, cold world, leavhig his hotel and other bilis unprovided for and forgot to come back. At this date he is still a wanderer on the face of the earth - Milán Leader. A jolly party gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j. Fauerbacher, in IxKli, November 10 to wltaess the mnrriage of Mrs. F's sister, Miss Carrle J!. Schaibb, to Mr. Henry B. Allin;uii, oi Ann Arbor. Long before the Iiour in which tli cmatrimonial knot was to have been tied a large number of relatives and fricnds had gathered and when the appointed time arrived the house was well filled. Following the eereniony a bounteous supper awaited them, of which they all partook freely. At about this time a sudden quletua took possession of the party, caused by sweet stralns of music f rom In front of the house, which upon investigatlon proved to be the Ann Arbor Banjo Club in full array. The boys had ehosen tiiis manner of expressing their gratltuile the l'ot of th ir f iend's future Iiappiness. Several pleasant hours were sppnt in a social way, after. which they repaired to their several homes.- Saline Observer. We notice by the local paper of Walkerville, Ont., sent out this week, that one of South Lyon's big "tater" raisers, with probably more hayseed oni his collar than he usually exhibits, crossed over the river into Her Majesty's reahn at Windsor, the other day, with a sample potato under his arm so large that the custom officer halted the S. L'. T. E., thinking he was pertetrating a fraud on Her Majesty by smuggling over a mucical instrument or an artlele of American {urniture, and demanded in.spection. Our agrienlturist consentí-I nn 1 smiled audib'.y wheo his nibs got a glimpae of the contents and disappeared with the remark, "Take your d d potato out of here." The potatb welghed th-ei pounds and a hal; and th? owner was taking It over to show his Canadian friends what a South Lyon "tater" was like. There was no duty exacted.- South Lyon Excelsior. The reporter was at ehurch last Sunday. By that we do not mean to indícate that he never goes to ehurch, for he does, as often as half a dozen times a year, at least. However he has been doing better of late and gare promise of doublé discountlng that record. But a little episode accurred last Sunday whieh may dampen his zoal and inteHere with hls hop"s of glory. While the preacher was elonnPntly portraylng the noble memorj lals a generous spirit could leave be h'nd them when they quitted this enrtkly tabernacle, our reporter, knowiiv that he did not have any memorial with him just then, took a little diversión in the laiid of dreams. But some one of the Jriendly wasps, at present finding a home in that sanetuary, evidently thought he ought to pay for his lodging and so undertook the duty of him who was called the parish beadle in former times. So sauntering along on his self-eonstituted mission, he found the reportorial angel pleasantly nodding assent to everything the pastor siid. Now noddinfii ie not a bad thing of itself, for we are,' told as a pie.ce of classical iuforniation, that even Júpiter nods, but ■we are not told whether he was listenIng or trying to listen to the pastor at that time. So this friendly wasp aforesaid, seeing this movement of the head e-idently took it as a personal insult and a defiance and went for tho individual aforesaid and gave him one, a terrible hot one it was too, in thp sido of the neck. One was enougb. That settled the business, and Fred threw up the sponge and almost his breakfast too. He sought ths open air with alacrity and also.with several other things. Whether he thought that was a premondtlon of sheol, or a peculiar way of empbasizing church doctrine and disiplino, deponent sayeth not. We hope our friend will oxcuse thö uncalled for assault of that wandering Knight-errant, no doubt the trustees and sexton wil] soe to it tliat nedther he nor others shaü again be so molested, for such avenging spirits shail be proraptly read out of the chureli.-